PART - 10

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He then moved to kiss on his lips but Virat moved his face then he started to play with him he again try to kiss but virat again moved so he pouted and he starting walk towards the dinning table,Virat grab his hand and made him look towards him subhman looked at him with his eyes clearly indicating he is sad Virat didn't like this so he tip towed and peck on his lips subhman's eyes lit up and he looked at virat who turned towards the pasta to check if it's cooked or not subhman touch his lips with his fingers and he giggle he back hugged virat who also didn't said anything and let him do whatever he wants,

After that they both are pasta subhman was telling Virat about his days when he was in under 19 team Virat was also looking at him and listening very carefully he was feeling so warm that subhman is opening up with him as he mostly don't like to share about that time not because he don't like it but because he like to keep his memories to himself,

Virat was looking at him more like staring at him when subhman felt his gaze he looked at him and then looked at his food he was feeling shy and blush can be seen on his cheeks ,

Virat smiled at his this behaviour and then washed their plates after dinner and then they both watched movie together in subhman's room and fell asleep,

Next day,

Subhman woke up first and saw virat sleeping hugging him his head on his chest he kissed on his cheeks and took out his phone he clicked his photo ,

And went to Washroom to fresh up he ordered breakfast for them and after that he woke Virat up who was not ready to wine up but he woke up and yawned his eyes telling that he is still sleepy he rubbed his eyes subhman looked at him Virat also looked at him and got closer to him then he kissed his forehead and cheeks and Went to his room to fresh up shubham fell on his bed and smiled thinking about virat's action,

They are breakfast virat cleaned the house and subhman told him he wants to go shopping and virat took him to mall ,

They bought so many clothes ate together then they went to the fun section of mall where they enjoyed alot more like Subhman enjoyed it Virat was just looking at him and smiling they took lot's of photos and videos and subhman even played some kind of game where they had to sit on a toy car and the came started it all felt so real ,

Virat was enjoying watching subhman he was looking really handsome subhman told Virat to buy him remot control car and he did and shubham played it in mall virat took video of him and post it on his Instagram then they watched the movie avangers age of Ultron which subhman loved ,

After that they went to buy some more clothes Virat was trying to know how shubham have so much energy that he is continuously going from here to their Virat was following him and their guard behind them carring shopping bags ,

They went to buy perfume and Virat bought 3 perfume 2 for him and one for subhman where as subhman bought 4 perfume actually he bought 2 perfume of same fregarnce so he bought 4 he gave two to Virat two for himself matching perfume,

Then he took virat to again clothes shop and bought matching hoddies virat was just smiling at the grown up kid ,

After that they are their dinner in 5 stare hotel they are at rooftop sky lighting with stares and crackers the win was blowing so perfectly this feeling was really nice their date went smoothly,

After dinner subhman took him to ice cream parlour and they ate ice cream and went to their house subhman was so happy he was jumping and virat was loving his this excited face ,

After that they packed their bags as they have early morning Flight and then they slept subhman slept in virat's room as he don't want to sleep alone,

Next morning virat woke up first took shower and then he woke subhman up who took shower Virat made bed and then they checked if they packed everything or not after making sure they have everything they went to airport and board their flight,

And their photos and selfies were everywhere everyone were talking about them and subhman's hands were always on virat's shoulder on airport till they went inside the plane ,

This protective self of subhman and all fans were cheering for them as they were shipping them .

( Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)
Hope you all like it 🥰 😍.

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