PART - 14

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Virat:- i am goone miss you so much

He said looking at subhman who was also looking at him subhman's said,

Subhman:- it's for only one week then I will be back

Although he was also feeling empty saying this but he knows if he didn't did this then he will surely get scolding from his parents and also he was missing them and his sister who was eating his brain to come back home.

Virat didn't said anything just stare at him and stare at him and then he hugged him snuggling to his neck subhman fund it super cute and hugged virat back .

He then made Virat lay on bed and they both slept like that cuddling with eachother after three hours he woke up and looked at the beautiful side .

Virat's face was glowing and his lips forming a cute pout he was about to kiss him but he didn't did that instead he kissed his forehead.

Then drank a whole glass of water and took his phone and went to balcony and called his sister.

Who picked up after three calls and scold subhman first ,

Subhman's sis:- subhi I was in a important meeting

She said and shubham said sorry and pouted as his sis scold him his sister's heart melted at her brother's cute antic so she said ,

Subhman's sis:- what happened now tell me why you called me this time

Subhman:- why can't I call my sis

He said clearly showing excitement in his voice his sis shake her head at her brother's action and she can imagine his smiling showing his 32 teeths to the world .

She said ,

Subhman's sis:- you can but usually you don't call at this time so tell me what's bothering you my dear brother

She asked him as she knows him very welly being with him from childhood and know him best he is introvert and shy person and don't like to talk with anyone he have changed alot being with Indian cricket team but one thing that didn't change him being nervous and shy whenever he have to show his feelings or tell anyone his feelings although he improved alot .

He told her about Virat as he tell her everything about him and Virat he knows his sister will always support him she is best and his second mom understand him the most .

She told him to take Virat with him and they both can come together to Punjab and also it will be a mini trip for Virat .

Subhman jumped in excitement and said thanks to her eyes ha voice clearly showing how happy he is his sis just smiled at her brother and thought now she knows why every girl want subhman gill ad their husband as his brother is absolute cutie pie.

They both talked for sometime then hang up Subhman went inside and saw virat was not their he heard water's sound from washroom so he get that Virat went to get fresh up he arranged their bed and order snacks for them virat came and saw subhman who came to him and hold him by his waist virat also hold his neck and they both shared a passionate kiss smiling after they pulled out their cheeks flushed red and they both were blushing shubham ran inside washroom to get fresh up virat smiled seeing his act .

He then sat on bed and was scrolling through his phone when the door bell ranged he went and opend it and recived their snacks and arranged them .

He was doing that when Subham came their and helped him both of them ate together subhman asked him if he would mind coming with him to Punjab and Virat said he will love to come .

Subhman felt so happy and Virat hugged him and said thank you so much subhman said nothing and they both are silently then started packing their bags mostly virat doing it and put subhi messing it Virat got angry but whenever he scold subhi that boy pull out his puppy eyes so virat was not even able to say anything to him .

He just made subhman turned around the wall and face the walk that was his punishment for messing their luggage third  time .

After that they both went to surya and Rohit's room and the whole ict was their they watched movie and then next day took their flight to Punjab.

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

Hope you all like it:)

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