PART - 13

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Days were passing and the closeness between subhman and Virat were raising everyone in ict noticed the smallest change in subhman's behaviour when Virat is with them .

After knowing Virat don't like to eat strawberry subhman also didn't eat strawberry much he knows how much h Virat is fittnes freak so he always join him in gym stay with him .

Sometimes when he wants to cheat his diet he wants to eat chole bhature and subhman bring that for him Virat made subhman Change alot the boy who don't like to clean his room and always keep it clean because Virat don't like mess the boy who don't even know how to cook meggi now learning cooking just so that he can cook food for Virat .

The way subhman always stare at virat the way his lips form smile seeing virat laughing or smiling the way he gets easily jealous whenever virat mention any other team members name not like he don't like them he just can't shrugged off the feeling thay he felt whenever Virat is with them he always wants Virat with him he knows that Virat is becoming his obsession.

And for Virat he have also changed himself alot for subhman as he almost spend his free time in gym but now he spend it with subhman going on movie dates or just dinner ice cream dates and many more subhman have become very important part of his life and he knew that he can't deny the fact that shubham was is and will be the most beautiful most important most cherished person of his life .

Both of them were on roof top of hotel with team as today was their last match and tomorrow they are leaving for their home subhman was happy but also sad because he is going to his home in Punjab for one week and he was feeling sad as he will not be with virat and on other hand virat is also sad for same reason as subhman have become his habit and leaving without him for one week is seeming terrible for him  .

Subhman was sitting with jassi ,Ishu , ruturaj, rishu,siraj and Surya and Virat was with Shreyas and shami while rohit also came their and sat with Surya .

Suddenly while talking shreyas mentioned about subhman going to Punjab and Virat again felt like he will goone be alone he very sadly gave both of them smile and went to where team was sitting and he went near subhman and hugged him .

Some tears fell down from his eyes subhman got shocked as Virat never show affection infront of team it's not like he ignore subhman but he just don't hug or be clingy with him it's always subhman who do that and top of that the glassy eyes of virat subhman felt like his heart cleanched he hugged him tightly.

He didn't asked him what happened just they both stayed like that team members also didn't uter a word as they don't want to disturb their moment soon after subhman was sure virat is okey he told them that he is taking Virat to their room everyone was worried that what happened to virat suddenly but no one asked them .

Virat was hugging subhman and he was not ready to leave him subhman tried to make him stand and leave him but virat didn't did that and on top of that he just tighten his hold on subhman so seeing no chance left for him subhman picked Virat in his arms in bridal style and took him to their room.

As they entered the room subhman placed Virat on bed very carefully and looked at him virat's eyes close tears marks visible on his cheeks he was looking so cute .

Subhman crase his cheeks and Virat opened his eyes feeling warm he looked at subhman and then looked down ,

After a long comforting silence Virat spoke,

Virat:- i .... sorry

Subhman was taken a back but then said ,

Subhman:- why

Virat sniffled and said ,

Virat:- because of me you had to come back

Subhman:- you are most important and my first priority I can leave this whole dame thing for you so I can't leave the roof top for you it's reducules you are always first my love

Virat looked at him and peck his lips and looked down shyly.

Subhman also like this side of virat kissed his forehead and said , i love you Jann

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

Hope you all like it 🥰😍.

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