PART - 17 (last part)

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After few days they went back to Mumbai Virat enjoyed his time with subhman then he went to meet his family he didn't took subhman with him and promised him he will take subhi with him soon .

Subhman also agreed as he knows first Virat wants to talk and tell him family about him and he don't have any problem in that as he trust Virat enough to know he will convince his family some how .

Virat went to Delhi to his house when he rang the door bell his hands were covered with sweat he was very nervous to face his family he was not able to imagine their expression he just want them to support him and not turn their back towards him .

His bhabhi opend the door and upon seeing him she cheerfully hugged him saying she missed him.and everybody in the house missed him he hugged her back his bhabhi is like his mother to him .

He went inside and saw his sis and brother having breakfast Along with his mom and his nephew and niece and also his sister's 4 year also daughter means his niece .and also her husband.

He came to them and touched his mother's feet who was happy to see his son then he meet everyone his bhabhi told him to have breakfast but he told them that he wants to talk about something really important.

They all looked at eachother and then said okey virat being youngest of all siblings he was also charished and loved most in family by everyone so everyone became serious seeing him serious as usually he is the most playful in family more then kids .

He gluped down his Silva grab his jacket tightly under the dinning table and said

Virat:- I love someone

He said his voice was shaking and fear was getting best over him

His brother said ,

Virat's brother:- this is good news cheeku what's wrong in this tell us when you want to marry her

He looked at his brother and then to his mom and said ,

Virat:- it's not her it's him i love a boy

The room fell silent no one said anything and everyone was just staring at him like he did some crime he looked down he was getting nervous by their continues gaze but calmed himself his mom was shocked as Virat never showed any sign of liking boy then why suddenly but she composed herself and said,

Virat's mom:- so when will you bring him here

Virat looked at his mom she again says,

Virat's mom:- I am willing to meet my future son in law

Virat's face light up with his famous smile he hugged his mom mumbling thanks others also said they are okey with him liking boy he was beyond ninth cloud .

Although it was shocking for virat's family it's about their cheeku's happiness so they are willing to do anything for sometime they agreed.

After thanking them he took him flight to his house to meet subhman when he came their at evening subhman told him to get ready.

Virat was confused at first but said okey he got ready and they went to a seven star hotel .

Subhman took their room keys and told Virat to follow him Virat was confused but did what he told to do they came to their room and subhman opened the door.

It was beautifully decorated with flowers and lights dim light in room was giving it Royal vibe subhman held virat's hand and took him to room's balcony it had so much space and was beautifully decorated and in middle their was a dinning table with their dinner on it .

Virat back hugged virat and told him to have dinner with him Virat nod and turned around giving a soft kiss in subhman's lips they both sat on their place and had peaceful dinner under moonlight.

After that shubhan took him inside room and put a beautiful romantic song and they both danced together and they were getting close by each step Virat closed his eyes as shubhan lean to kiss him they both shared a passionate kiss forgetting their surroundings in eachother.

As they broke the kiss subhman held Virat in bridal style and again took him to balcony and made him stand on floor Virat was really confused what subhman is upto but didn't spoke it out .

Virat was looking at night sky and was talking with subhman, subhman admire Virat and then he clapped his hands twice and in the beautiful night the sky filled with drone and they wrote "will you marry me the king of cricket".

Long with lots of fireworks Virat looked at subhman and saw he was kneeling in floor holding a ring and gently said will you marry me Mr. King .

Virat foreword his hand and subhman slide ring in virat's ring finger he got up Virat hugged him very tightly his eyes having tears .

Subhman kissed his forehead then his eyes and cheeks nose then in his lips it was gentle and soft kiss .

They broke kiss and smiled at eachother after that Virat kissed Virat roughly they started kissing hungrily they both have waited alot for this moment.

Then Virat attacked in subhman's neck and Started giving hickeys their subhman was enjoying it his hands on virat's waist .
He just want to eat this boy infront of him he love him that's it .

He kiss virat and told him to jump Virat did shubham took them to bedroom and made virat lay on bed undressing himself.

Virat stopped him and kissed him making him join with Virat in bed .

Subhman opend virat's shirts all botton and and throw it and then Virat opend subhman's shirt subhman made virat's back face him .

And started giving kisses on his back Virat was feeling so sensitive because of this he bite his lips.

Virat turned and made subhman lay on bed got on top of him and gave hickeys on his chest and neck he went down to his belly and then lower he opened his pants along with boxer and throwd away .

Subhman was naked infront of him he bite on Subhman's inner thighs and took his length in his mouth subhman's groaned after sometime he came in virat's mouth and then made Virat lay on bed took off his bottoms and put lube on his hole and condom in his own dick and started pushing his fingers inside Virat cried out in pain it was unbearable for him after making sure virat is okey subhman put his length in his hole .

After one hour virat and subhman came together they did it thrice and then subhman took virat with him in washroom both took bath changed bedsheet get in bed and watched movie together they both were naked and just a white silk blacket as covering them .

After movie they both slept off .

The end

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

Hope you all like it 🥰😍.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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