Chapter 4

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"Oy! Sebastian! Over here!" Akio waved over at him from the desk at the bar.

"Hm?" Sebastian looked over and sees his brother. He walked over and say down next to him.

"Ahh, Sebastian its been awhile since I last saw you" The bartender said.

"It's only been about four days since we had seen other Kazuto.."

He chuckles "I know that. What would you be having?" He asked.

"Catnip tequila.."

"Coming right up" he walks away.

"You need to get something else besides that Sebastian. You always get it"

"It doesn't matter, you always get margaritas on the rocks"

"True.." He says "But what will you be doing?" His twin brother asked.

"What're you talking about?"

"Oh you know. About another kingdom coming, father talked about it during dinner. Did you not listen?" He teased.

"Of course I did.." He sighs.

"Here you go" he placed the glass cup in front him.

"Are you sure? You seemed as if you didn't care" Akio smirked.

"Well I didn't, I mean they'll just be coming to see the girls.." He took a sip.

He chuckles "Sebastian, father said that we need to prepare ourselves until then"

"Yes yes.. I know.. I hope he didn't forget that I have three days off.."

"But still, he said we need to prepare ourselves"

"I can be ready in a second, why do you think I'm more mature and old enough"

"Hey! I'm your twin, I'm mature enough, and old enough.. too.."

"Are you sure about that Akio? All you do is just tease women, especially the young maids" He smirked as he took another sip of his tequila.

"W-well.. what else would you like me to do anyways?"

"Train with father, I mean you rarely do. Or at least make your fighting skills more stronger"

"That seems like too much work"

"I knew you couldn't do it"

"I can do it!"

"Oh really? Then starting tomorrow, you and I train"


"I don't have to repeat myself"

"Mmph.." He rolled his eyes and drank his glass.

~Hours later~

"Let's go have-" Akio burped "Sex! Sebastian.." He laughs. His cheeks were red and was moving at least like a lazy person.

"Akio, it's time to go to bed, please keep your voice down" Sebastian helped him to his bedroom.

"No! I want to have sex!" He hiccups "Now!" He then passed out.

Sebastian sighs "Drunk ass.." He mumbled under his breath as he carried him.

Once he arrived at the bedroom, Sebastian laid Akio down on his bed, covering him up with the sheets.

"He needs to take it easy on the drinking.." He closed the door behind him.

After arriving at his own bedroom, he saw his father outside the door "Father?"

"Sebastian, we need to talk.."


When they were in, Sebastian asked what was wrong.

"No no, nothing is wrong son. I just want you to treat our guest when he comes"

"The one from the kingdom?.."


"Which kingdom is it anyway?"

"The Spider Kingdom"

"I see.. well is that all?"

"No, I need you to start finding a bride"

"A.. bride?"

"Yes, a bride"


"To become your queen"

"What!?" He stood up from his bed "How can I find a bride right now!? I'm still thinking about the whole throne stuff!"

"Sebastian, sit back down. You didn't let me finish-"

"No you didn't let me finished father! All you want me to do is just take throne! It's like your forcing me to do this! Like you made this decision on your own! Why do you always have to do this to me every time!? First is you deciding for me to become stronger! Second, you decided for me to not help mother! Third, you want me to be king! And fourth, you want me to find a bride!? Father! It's like you just want me to be the perfect son you always dreamed about! Well I'm not!" His hands were made into a fist that he hit the wall hard, at least he was glad that they didn't take that much damage "Why can't.. you even let me think before I tell you.. you just move onto the next thing and that's it.. You weren't like this before mothers death.." He gritted his teeth as he held back his tears.

"Do not bring your mothers death into this.."

"And why not!? It's like you don't even care what happened to her!" He looked at him with a serious face that he couldn't hold back anymore.

"Of course I care what happened to her death!" He stood up rapidly.

"Then why didn't you ever show it at her funeral.."

"I think it's time for you to go bed.. goodnight.." He walks away, heading out the door.

"He's always like this.." He mumbled and fell back onto his bed.

~Next Day~

It was morning and Sebastian woken up early, he went to take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast and go straight to his fitness.

He had a black muscle shirt along with black gym pants and gym shoes.

First he did sit ups "56, 57, 58, 59, 60..." Second he did push-ups "121, 122, 123, 124, 125..." Third he did laps around the castle. So fourth, he did his fitness until 10 in the morning.

Sebastian was in the shower once more, but relaxing until one of the maids came in by accident "O-oh my goodness, I'm sorry!" She bowed.

"There's no reason to apologize, what were you going to get?"

"I-I was getting y-your dirty clothing to wash them" she stuttered.

"Oh you don't have to do that, I can do it myself"

"A-are you sure?"

"Of course, run along now"

"Y-yes.." She blushed and walks out.

Sebastian smiled, but them the thought of what happened last night came in mind "Mm.." he sighs.

Falling For The Prince [ Sequel ]Where stories live. Discover now