Chapter 6

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"So where will you like to go first?" Sebastian asked.

"Wherever you would like"

"Hmm.. lets go to the middle of town, they have great stuff there" He starts walking ahead.

"Can't we take carriage?"

"Who needs a carriage? We can go walking, or do you have a problem with that?" He chuckles.

"O-of course not, we may go walking"


Claude sighs softly as he catches up with him "Where is your mother by the way?"

"Uhh.. well.. She died.. when I was a child"

"Oh I'm sorry about that, I shouldn't have asked"

"No no, it's alright" he smiles "Besides, I'll always remember her, she would always bring me happiness.. unlike me father at times.."

"Why is that? If you don't mind me asking"

"Well.. a few days ago he wanted me to become king, and I said no because I wasn't even ready at time. But I have already agreed yesterday. Now he wants me to find a bride to marry.. but how? I need to fall in love with her first before I even tell her 'Would you marry me?'" He sighs "He has it really tough on me, he wants every question of his answered quickly.. Well I'm not like that, I take my time to think about it.."

"I see"

"I heard that you're trying to find a bride as well?"

"Yes, I am. That's why I'm here in your kingdom"

"Well good luck, my sisters always beg for stuff. Be careful about that. If they ask you to chose one them. Just say you'll think about it until you get to know each other more better"

"Like us?"

"Excuse me?"

"Well isn't that the point? Your father sent you to take me around town, I think he wanted for the two of us to get along and know each other"

"That doesn't matter to you does it?"

"Maybe just a little"

"Hmph.." He looks away.

Claude just chuckled.

Once they arrived in the middle of town, Sebastian went to go show him the clothing they had "This is very fancy"

"Yes, well.. I always come here to get my clothes, it's my favorite store" he says softly and looks around.


"Yes, there's everything I love in here, especially the other store I go to usually"

"Can I see it?"

"Of course, follow me" he walks out of the store and goes three blocks down.

When they arrive and enter, small kittens were surrounding Sebastian "This is a reason why I love it here.." he crouched down and several of the cats got on him. He laughed softly "I love cats very much, this is the only thing that makes me feel better" he smiles.

"Well they sure are adorable.." He crouched down as well as he pets one of them.

The owner came in and gasps "Oh my~ Sebastian"

Both of them looked up "Hello Miss Elizabeth" he stood up "How are you?" He walks over to her.

"I'm fine thank you" she smiles "And who is this handsome fella? Is he your mate?" She smirked.

"Miss Elizabeth!" He blushed lightly.

"Oh c'mon, you two look perfect!"

Claude just had no words, he couldn't think at all. He just stood there like a plant.

"I rather not talk about this, we are just looking around town since I have to because he's the prince of the spider kingdom and he's here to marry one of my sister"

"Oh, well my mistake" she laughs "What's your name hun?"

"Claude Faustus, pleased to meet you" he bows.

"Oh my, what a gentleman" she smiles "So have you ever thought about adopting any animal in here?"

"Uhm well I've never actually had a pet before"

"That's sad.. well how about I let you get one, on the house"

"Are you sure?"

"Mhm, it's alright"

"Alright.. well.." He looks around until he saw many kinds of animals. He had seen the perfect one and picked it up from the floor "I choose this one.." It was a black kitten with red eyes.

"Aww that's adorable~ His name is Jackie, you can name him something else if you'd like"

"Can I name it Sebby?"

"Of course you can, he's all yours. All you have to do is sign this paper and you'll take him home with you"

"Alright.." He walks over as he grabbed the feather and signed it where he needed to.

"Ok, now let me just go get the certificate and we'll be done here" She walks away.

Claude nodded, he looked around again and then sees Sebastian. He smiled, like an actual real smile.

Sebastian just played around with the kittens and laughed.

Elizabeth came back "Ok here you-" she caught Claude eyeing at Sebastian "He really loves cats Hm? That's why you got this black one? Because it will remind you of him"

"Huh? Oh.. uh yes.. he's.. really friendly with me.. But whenever I look at his eyes.. it just reminds me of crimson flowers.." He looked at her "Can you tell me more about him?" He whispers.


"It doesn't matter, just tell me everything you know.."

"Ok then" She started to tell him every single detail about Sebastian, well only the things she knew about him.

~Hours Later~

Both Sebastian and Claude spend the day together while getting to know one another.

"I had fun"

"So did I.. it's been a long time since I've done this.."

"Same here.. I would always be trapped in my home, most of the time. I just get out to see the morning and night sky on my balcony.."

"I know how that feels.. but would you like to get a drink?"

"What about the cat?"

"Oh don't worry about him, as long as your with me, you can bring the little guy wherever"

"Why thank you, that's very kind of you" he smiles.

"Well we are friends after all" he enters the bar.

'Right.. friends..' Claude thought as he followed along Sebastian.

Falling For The Prince [ Sequel ]Where stories live. Discover now