Chapter 10

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"Bloody hell.." Klein was panting and sweating that he was on the ground since he had to pass out but didn't.

Sebastian chuckles "Oh c'mon, I couldn't be that strong at sword fighting"

"Well you were.."

"Now who am I going to do it with, hm?"

"There is that prince.."

"What? No no.. I'm not going to.."

"Fine then I'll go get your other trainer"

"Oliver!? No! I'll take the prince!"

"Good.. because I think he's ready"

"What?" He looked around and saw Claude behind him "Oh.." He slouched.

"Ready?" Claude said softly, but with a small smirk on the corner of his lips.

Sebastian was a slight disgusted, now how will he forget about what happened in the morning? "Yes. It's just for a little ok? Not a competition.."

"Alright alright, calm down"

"Hmph.. lets just start.." He grabbed his sword.

"Right" he nodded.

"On three" Klein said as he stood there "One.."

"Good luck"


"I won't need luck"


Both Sebastian and Claude went at it. Sebastian swung his sword against the others.

"This is truly fun" Claude chuckled softly.

"Mn.." Sebastian gritted his teeth "Ok now this is a competition, whoever wins, uhm.. wins.."

"Deal" Claude put in his entire force and pushed Sebastian back with his sword.

"Ugh!" Sebastian almost hit the tree "Tch.." He clicked his tongue.

After an hour has passed, Sebastian seemed to almost faint or even go unconscious from all this fighting. But he didn't give up, he wasn't going to lose to him. Not right now. Sebastian charged at him as he swings his sword but missed.

Claude dodged it as he came behind Sebastian putting his sword against his neck as he held his waist to not let him go "This certainly has been going long enough don't you think" Claude smirked as he whispered it into his ear.

Sebastian's cheeks turned crimson red "I don't care!" He pulled away as he had his sword against Claude's "Y-you can't do that either.. Why do you flirt with me instead of my sisters.."

"Because I've never met someone like you as strong, powerful, handsome, sexy, cute demon in my life"

Sebastian blushed more "Grr.."

Claude finally got Sebastian's sword away from him. He put his own against Sebastian's neck as he held him close once more.

Sebastian was shocked, he couldn't defend himself any longer. He.. lost?

"Looks like I win" His face was close to his.

"Hmph.." He pushed away "I guess so.. but next time for sure I will win.. I hope.." he mumbled.

"You should go rest"

"I don't need rest, I'm fine.."

"You sure?"

"Yes I'm sure.."

"Are you really sure?"

"Yes Claude I'm very sure, now stop asking.." He glanced to aside as he picked up his weapon and went to give it to Klaus.

"Oh c'mon, just take some rest before dinner"

"I don't want to.."

"Sebastian, c'mon.." He grabs him the the waist while pulling him close. He wrapped his arms around him as he went to his ear and whispered "Just take some good rest"

The ravens cheeks were as red as a tomato, including his ears. He didn't want to be held by him but it did feel good.

Claude looked around and sees that they're alone, his hand moved up to Sebastian's shirt while the other was on his waist.

"W-what're you doing?.."

"Lets go rest together shall we"

"S-stop.." he tried pulling away.

"Don't try to resist.." He whispered. He made both of them go back into the castle as they were in Claude's bedroom in a second.

"C-Claude please.. Let me go.."

Claude didn't listen to him as he pinched his nipple while sucking on his neck.

"Mnn.." Sebastian whimpered "L-let me go.."

Claude sucked harder as his other hand moved lower, placing it on his crotch.

"S-stop.." Sebastian pleased him but he wouldn't listen.

The spider could tell that Sebastian was hard now, which made him smirk. He left a small hickey on the side his neck. Claude did the same on the other side of his neck.


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