Chapter 20

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It was a cloudy day.

It seemed that it would rain later on.

"This sucks.." Sebastian had been resting his leg for about 2 weeks and a half, at least it was healing up.

Shadow had decided to move closer to where Sebastian lived so he can check up on him. Which did happened a few days ago.

"How are you feeling darling?" His aunt asked.

"Pretty good, thank you"

"If you need anything, just call" She says with a smile.


"Also Shadow said he'll be here in a few minutes"

"Again? He's always here everyday"

"Not everyday"

"Well it feels like it.."

"It's because he cares about you, and he loves you. Just like I do, now rest please"

"Ok, ok.." Sebastian laid back down on the bed.

"Good" Emily closed the door behind her gently.

Sebastian then sighed of boredom "What to do.." He asked himself.

He looked towards the window, seeing nothing but grey clouds.

Sure he loved the rain but when it comes to that day, everyone feels all sad, gloomy, tired, bored, etc.

"Nothing to do of course.. besides staring.." He sat up, leaving his injured leg straight while bending the other up to rest his head (or chin?)

Sebastian then heard his door open.

The raven looked over to see who it was and it was Shadow.



"How you feeling?" Shadow walked over to him.

"Good, thanks for asking.."

"What's wrong?" He then sat down on his bed next to the other.

"Nothing, I'm just.. Bored.."

"Same here.." He says.


"Has Claude ever.. contacted you yet?.."

"Only twice.. That's odd for him since he used to call me every two days.. Now.. It's just.. getting lost.. Like he won't speak to me as much anymore.. Apologizing to me and begging me to forgive him.. I.. I really miss that.."

"But I thought you hated it"

"I do but, it's just that.. I have these feelings for him that I can't even get rid of.. It's like it's going to be there forever.."

"Well.. what were to happen if someone were to.. I don't know.. Change your feelings and like that other person?"

"I know what you're doing Shadow.. You want me to get with you but my hearts saying to be with him.."

"Why? Why of all the guys it had to be him? You said so yourself that he brought pain to you ever since.. Especially your father.."

"Yes well.. that's.. uh.. That's just how I feel whenever I'm around those too.. I try to insult them and try to embarrass them or at least do the same thing they did to me.."

"I see.."

"I'm sorry for telling you all this.. You're probably upset.."

"I am.." He grabbed both his wrist with his hand, putting them over his head while pushing him back against the bed gently.

"W-what're you.. I-I could still get injured if you do this to me.."

"I promise I'll be gentle, I won't be like Claude.."

"Mmph.." He blushed lightly, glancing to the side.

Shadow licked the shell of his ear, whispering seductively "Please~.. I know you want it too~.." He smirked.

"Mnn.. No.. I don't.."

"Yes you do.. I could tell.."

"Cause you already got me like this.."

"So it's my fault then?"

"Wh-Wha?.. No! It's not!" He blushed even more.

Shadow smirked, leaning in close until he heard the door being opened which made Sebastian pushed him off.

"Aunt Emily!"

'Dammit! So close!'

"I was just checking up on you"

"I'm doing fine"

"Are you sure? I some yelling"

"Uh.. T-that was just me being.. mad at Shadow since he didn't bring me a book from the store" Sebastian laughed nervously.


"Cmon Shadow, let's go together to get it"

"Right..." He sighs.

"But dear, you leg.."

"I'll be fine, don't worry. Besides I can walk just fine. But if I get hurt, Shadow will be there anyways"

She sighed "Ok.. Go ahead, and bring me a back a cook book please. I need to try new things"



"If she didn't come in at that moment then I would have had you all to myself.." Shadow complained.

"And I'm glad she did" Sebastian smirked.


"Oh don't be sad crybaby"

"I'm not a crybaby"

"Yes you are. You always cry for me"

"No I don't!" He yelled.

Everyone in the store looked at him.

Sebastian chuckled.

"Eeh.. Everything fine people, just get back to what you were doing.." He laughed.

"Anyways, there is this book I wanted to have.."

"Which one is it?"

"Well it's suppose to be about romance about two demon who fall for each other the guy doesn't know that the girl is a villager from his kingdom since he's the prince. He mistook her for being a princess since she went to all of the ball's she got invited too. She got in trouble herself from her parents because she snuck out to see him for that only. Now she is trapped in her house where she can't leave anymore..."

"That's.. Uhm.. Alrighty then, let's go find it.."

He nodded.

They searched for the book everywhere, it should be in the romance section shouldn't it?

"There it is" Sebastian said.

He climbed up the ladder as he reached out to grab it.

"Be careful.."

"I am careful, unlike you. You would've go fallen already"


Sebastian smirked, now climbing down with the book in hand.

"I-I wouldn't of fallen! You would with the hurt leg!"

"Yes, but I'm not afraid, I'm strong"

"Tsk.. Show off.."

"Ok, cmon crybaby" He starts walking.

"I told you! I'm not a crybaby!"

Falling For The Prince [ Sequel ]Where stories live. Discover now