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It's been over 5 years and you and Loki can't go back until you figure out how Loki almost died the last time you tried. You both got stuck in the 1900's in Alaska instead of the 1700's now. You both are working and trying to find gold during the gold rush. Loki almost got "splintered" your last time jump. This basically means he would have been ripped into two and eventually die. This would leave you to live in the year 1900's until you caught up to the present year.
Loki has finally enough strength to try the jump again. You both grab each other and just look into each other's eyes. "Y/N I will get you back to tony. Even if it kills me." Loki says gripping you tighter.
"Don't talk like that. You know I care about you too. Just try to focus." You say giving a reassuring squeeze back.
"Hard to focus when the love of my life is in love with someone else." Loki says and then bows his head. He starts to glow slowly and it engulfs both of you. You quickly lift his chin and kiss him. Then you disappear.
You don't know what year it is but you are in New York. You see a newspaper and read 2016. "Holy shit we made it!" You yell out. But you quickly look around and where is Loki?
"Y/N? Is that really you?" A voice yells out to you. It can't be! How could it be?!
"Oh my! How are you in New York?" You ask in an excited concern tone.
"What do you mean, I live at the compound Y/N." Captain America says concerned back.
"You haven't fought Tony yet? Has that not happened?" You say quietly.
"What are you talking about? What was tony and I arguing about this time? I bet it's pretty dumb." He says before shaking his head. He gives you a hug and says he is meeting a friend and has to go. "Say hi to Tony from me." He says before leaving.
"Tony! Oh god where is he?" You mutter to yourself.
You start running towards the compound. You get there 15 minutes later and you see tony. You run up to him and give him a big hug. "What got into you? You only hug me like this if you hear bad news or want sex!" He stares into your eyes. "Please tell me it's number 2 this time?" He asks. "I just wanted a hug. Can't I hug you?" You day before giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Yes you can but I actually have a meeting to get to soon. You are welcome to come with but it's going to be boring."
"I'll join. I don't want to ever lose you." You say walking hand in hand out of the compound.
"What is going to happen that you know and I don't? Does this have to do with Loki?" He raises his eyebrows.
"No. I have lived past this point remember."
"Right. Forgot the power thing." He says before kissing your forehead and you both get in a car and head to the meeting. You stare out the window and try to think where Loki could be. You just hope he is alright.

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