The accords

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On the way to the meeting, Tony is going on telling you what is about to happen and telling you how he needs your support. You already know what is going to happen and think about how it could be prevented if you just show your powers already but you also know what they would do. They would treat you like they are going to treat Wanda very soon. You know the sakovia accords are supposed to be good but you don't see it that way.
You arrive and sit next to Tony and we are asked to vote. It comes to Steve. He just hangs his head and then says "I have taken orders from people who thought they were doing the right thing before. My answer is no."
Then Natasha, "my vote is yes. I think by the book is good."
Then vision, "it's not a yes or no answer but I vote yes."
"Screw that! Mine is no!" Barks Clint.
All eyes are on Tony now. He shows a picture of a kid and starts talking about how instead of partying with friends he decided to build houses in Sokovia. "I vote yes. Because of this kid, we need to be put in line."
All eyes go to you. "I vote no. I can't get behind this at all." Tony turns to you and just stares at you. You all leave and it's just you and Tony.
"I needed you and you let me down." He says breaking the silence. "I needed support and you hung me out to dry and fail!"
"Tony, I can't agree to this. It's wrong." You say before he holds his hand up and says "you don't support anything I do and you don't love me. I don't think you ever did. You can move out while I'm gone." He leaves and you just feel your world crashing around you.

You gather your things from Tony's house and get a phone call. It's Loki. "Where are you Y/N?"
"2016 New York."
"You at Tony's?"
"Well that ended because I used my knowledge of the future and he ended it. I lost it all again." You say as tears form in your eyes.
"Where are you?" You send Loki the address and he visits you. You both cuddle on the couch as you cry and just vent to Loki. He listens and you fall asleep in his arms. He grabs the blanket off the couch and covers you and he lets you sleep. He looks down at you and smiles. He thinks "I can't let you go again. I must win her back."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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