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The city of Shamayim, a celestial kingdom, floated serenely in a dimension where the physics of the ordinary world bent to the whims of wonder. Each island in Shamayim was a testament to the boundless creativity and diversity of its inhabitants, floating ethereally above the deep sapphire sea that glimmered under the eternal twilight of this realm. Waterfalls, like liquid silver, cascaded from the edges of these islands, feeding the shimmering sea below with a gentle, melodic symphony.

Among these islands, the central capital stood as the heart of Shamayim, pulsating with the vibrant life and energy of Aravat's glory. This was not just any place; it was the embodiment of the kingdom's soul and its most profound mysteries.

As the Kingdom of Lights thrive, the Temple of Creation remained a symbol of the unbreakable covenant between the Children of Fire known as the malakhim of Shamayim and the limitless possibilities of Elohim's creation of life. It was a reminder that in a realm suspended between the sea and sky, Y'shua who spoke the words of creation was the truest form of life, one that could ignite souls with purpose and fill the heart of Aravat's creations with light, wisdom and truth.

Y'shua is hailed as the Word of Aravat and the Architect of Creation, unwaveringly heeded the enigmatic directives from his Father, Aravat, the progenitor of Creation and the visionary craftsman of the Kingdom of Shamayim--a realm divided into ten enigmatic provinces.

The first, is Oblivion, lay concealed beneath the depths of waters, a land of veiled mysteries and lurking shadows with a vast ocean of emptiness, much bigger than Adamah's oceans. The second was a realm ablaze with an unquenchable fire, also hidden beneath the water shroud. The third is Paradise, a land remained an elusive secret concealed beneath the same enigmatic watery veil. And then there was the fourth, Adamah, a province poised on the precipice of birth, teetering on the edge of revelation.

The fifth province held an abundance of innumerable crystal orbs, locked within the impenetrable vault of creation--these precious spheres cradled the profound thoughts and memories of Aravat himself. The sixth was the land of the meticulous libraries, the hall of records and with the secrets creation and more, were all the souls of life are recorded for the end of time. Further still, the seventh province was a realm of elemental might, where ice, snow, frost, rain, wind, and fire converged in a dance of elemental forces.

The eighth province was a sanctuary of cascading waterfalls and pools of purification, adorned with resplendent fruit trees and beauty that defied description. The ninth realm was a province shrouded in tempestuous intrigue--filled with lightning that cracked across the skies, thunder that reverberated through the land, fog that concealed and revealed, and clouds that whispered secrets. And high above all, it basked in the celestial embrace of sun, moon, and stars, as the mysteries of Shamayim continued to unfurl.

As the tenth and final region, known as Aravoth, was established where Aravat, the King of Glory, took His seat. The Temple of Creation surpassed all previous structures in the kingdom in size and grandeur. Its doors were wide open.

Inside the temple, the floor was a fiery blaze, the ceiling adorned with lightning and the path of the stars. The roof itself was ablaze with fire. Y'shua placed the Throne of Glory, a towering structure, at its center. Its appearance resembled sapphire ice, and its surroundings radiated like the noonday sun. Shekinah, set a sea of fire, that encircled her Father's throne, and underneath the Throne of Aravoth, rivers of flames flowed so intensely that it was impossible to gaze upon it.

Aravat, Great in Glory, sat upon the throne, His raiment brighter than the Sun and whiter than snow. No one could directly look upon Aravat's face; it would consume any fleshly creature who dared to do so without His consent. Aravat needed no Council; only Y'shua and Shekinah His eternal children the Holy Ones nearest to Him, remained within His presence without leaving Him day or night.

Elohim watched as their city of radiant lights where established through the words of Y'shua. Together, they gazed over the vast sea of sapphire, its waves adorned with flickering flames. Their icy blue eyes filled with wonder as they marveled at the ethereal Islands suspended above the sea. These magnificent Islands were adorned with crystal line structures, and the streets of the city shone like pure gold, resembling transparent glass.

The foundation walls of the Temple of Creation, constructed from jasper, exuded grandeur, standing as silent sentinels of the past, present, and future. These walls, bathed in the eternal flames, held within them more than mere beauty--they were the keepers of Aravat's Torah, and the very essence of creation itself. As the hues of Aravat's setting glory danced across their surface, each stone seemed to tell its own story, whispering tales of ancient praises, divine inspiration, and the boundless creativity that had birthed this world.

Above these majestic walls, the Temple rose, a beacon of hope and wonder, its spires reaching towards the heavens as if in a constant, silent dialogue with creation. The air around it vibrated with the energy of creation, a palpable force that touched the hearts and minds of all who drew near, instilling in them a sense of unity with Elohim and with each other.

Within this sacred space, the boundary between the divine and the mortal blurred, as visitors from across the floating islands of Shamayim came to seek wisdom, inspiration, or simply to bask in the glory of Aravat. Here, in the presence of such beauty and power, even the most hardened of hearts could not help but open to the mysteries of existence, feeling a deep, unspoken connection to something greater than themselves.

The Temple of Creation seemed to glow from within, a lighthouse guiding the wayward souls and the seekers of truth. It stood as a testament to the power of faith, imagination, and the indomitable spirit of those who dared to dream.

In Shamayim, where the impossible knew no bounds, the Temple of Creation was more than a structure; it was a symbol of the eternal dance between creation and their creator. It was here, amidst the jasper walls that breathed with life, that one could truly sense the heartbeat of Aravat, a steady, comforting rhythm that spoke of endless possibilities and the enduring nature of hope.

And so, as the celestial tapestry of Aravat's glory enveloped Shamayim, the Temple of Creation stood, a beacon of light in the darkness, whispering to all who would listen that in the heart of creation lies the key to unlocking the greatest mysteries of Aravat's will for life. In its grandeur and its simplicity, it offered a promise--a promise that as long as there are those who dare to obey Aravat's Torah, the flame of creation will never be extinguished, and the awe of righteousness will forever light the way.

DARKNESS OF HEAVEN BOOK I: MALAKHIM WARSWhere stories live. Discover now