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Two battlefronts hung over Shamayim, as violent electrical storms crackled and roared, displaying its power over the skies. Dark clouds loomed overhead, stretching as far as the eye could see. Amidst this tempestuous chaos hovered Miyka'el the champion of Aravat dressed in his regal golden battle armor making him a commanding figure radiating strength and determination as his sapphire wings shimmer against the darkness. Arrayed neatly behind him, stretching in disciplined ranks, was an army of Malakhim warriors renowned for their valor and unwavering loyalty their armors shimmering like stars as they beat their wings in the sky.

"Who is like Aravat, Father of Creation, through his Word and Wisdom? Who can stand against Elohim's might?" The leader of the Hayyoth declared. Miyka'el and his malakhim fought with a dragon known as Heyl'el and his fallen malakhim; the kingdom of Shamayim was in upheaval. Miyka'el, slowly moving through the storm, raised his voice, his words cutting through the howling winds. Shouting, "Aravat... Aravat, arise and show yourself! We are in dire need of your guidance and assistance!"

As if summoned by Miyka'el's call, Aravat appeared on Mt. Marom. His presence commanded respect as He took His position alongside Y'shua and Shekinah, merging as one in His glorious manifestation, His figure majestic and imposing. His piercing gaze surveyed the scene before Him, His expression marked by profound and somber concern. "Now, I bear witness to nothing but destruction and violence. Strife and conflict have taken root within the Malakhim," Aravat declared with sadness.

He raised His hand, gesturing towards the tumultuous sky where bolts of lightning danced across the heavens. "Behold! The revolt has already begun!" Aravat's piercing gaze surveyed the clash between the loyal and fallen malakhim, their swords clashing and shields colliding. Though Aravat refrained from direct intervention, His presence alone carried immense weight and authority, commanding the attention of all those present. With His voice resonating through the ranks, Aravat addressed the combatants.

His words held the wisdom of ages, a reminder of will the significance of Adam's existence. He spoke of hope, redemption, and the consequences that awaited their choices. "Children of Fire, I, your Father, command you to listen. I give you fair warning," Aravat's voice reverberated, "Now heed my words. Your battle holds great significance, for it shapes the destiny of Adam and the course of eternity. Consider the weight of your actions and the path you are willing to choose."

The combatants paused, their attention drawn to the omnipotent presence of Aravat. They felt a profound sense of awe and reverence, understanding that they stood before the ultimate authority. "Your ambitions and rebellions will not go unnoticed," Aravat continued. "Yet, I respect your free will and the choices you have made. I implore you to reflect upon my plan and the fragile existence of Adam whom you are fighting over."

"Seek Teshuvah and reconciliation to bring redemption, before it's too late. Come back to me, my children, and I will heal you. You are my children, and I love you." With those words, Aravat resumed His position as an observer, fading from the mountain and returning to His throne, allowing the malakhim to choose and determine their own fate.

The Kingdom of Shamayim continued to be a battleground, as the clash between the loyal and fallen resumed. It became a testament to the struggle between their free will and the will of Aravat, along with the consequences that would follow their actions. Aravat's unwavering presence and guidance served as a beacon of hope and purpose.

The Malakhim felt the weight of their choices and the profound responsibility that lay upon their shoulders. In the midst of the chaos, Y'shua stood firm, his resolve unshaken. He looked upon his sister, "Shekinah, leave the battlefront and stand with Father," he commanded.

Shekinah vanished from the battlefront without a word. Y'shua then called forth the Hayyoth, who arrived and knelt before him. The supremacy of Y'shua, the Word of Aravat, stood like a monument as he gave direct orders to his four champions of Shamayim.

DARKNESS OF HEAVEN BOOK I: MALAKHIM WARSWhere stories live. Discover now