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Epic cloud formations billowed across the sky, casting an ethereal backdrop to the unfolding chaos that surrounded Shamayim. Explosions reverberated in the distance as the battle raged on the western shores of Shamayim's forest. Flames consumed the islands, their bright glow contrasting against the darkening landscape. The illustrious leader of the Phoenixes, the celestial police force of Shamayim, stood resolute at the forefront of his army, fighting with unwavering determination against Asmodeus and his relentless legions who served Heyl'el, the architect of this rebellious war over Adam.

This conflict seemed to create an imbalance in the wisest creature in all creation, next to Elohim. Heyl'el had now gone insane over his own ideas on the brink of losing his position of authority to his new arrival, Miyka'el, the Arch-Mal'akh. Zadki'el, adorned in a regal silver formidable armor, epitomized his authority, power, and unwavering commitment to upholding Aravat's laws of justice. His armor was a symbol of his status, crafted with precision.

His helmet, a true work of art, bore the image of resplendent wings in flight, his helmet a symbol of renewal and rebirth. The helmet's visor, when lifted, revealed Zadki'el's noble and determined countenance, framed by a flowing mane of fiery hair that seemed to dance with the very flames of the heavens.

In his hand, Zadki'el wielded a magnificent and radiant weapon known as the "Scepter of Justice." This weapon combined the features of a staff and scepter, adorned with gemstones that shimmered with the colors of the aurora borealis. The Scepter of Justice served both as a symbol of his authority and a powerful instrument in battle.

With it, he could summon the flames of divine retribution, casting them upon those who threatened the harmony of Shamayim. It was a weapon of immense power, harnessing the very essence of justice and carrying out the will of Aravat under Zadki'el's noble and capable hands.

During the conflict, as he and Asmodeus clashed in battle, Heyl'el communicated with his general using his telepathic abilities, commanding him with precise instructions. "Asmodeus, finish them and fall back to the Temple!" commanded Heyl'el, his tone laced with authority. "As you command!" replied Asmodeus, obediently carrying out his king's orders.

The shores were ablaze, the sky thick with ominous black clouds, and Asmodeus' legions continued their relentless assault. "Phoenixes, stand your ground! Resist the enemies!" Zadki'el's voice boomed across the battlefield as he felled a few adversaries. Pulling away from the chaos, heading back to the conflict over the Temple of Creation. "You can run, Zadki'el, but you will never escape me," mocked Asmodeus, his laughter cutting through the chaos.

Asmodeus' confidence wavered when he beheld a legion of winged lions led by Uri'el. "Snip," he growled, his voice laced with unease. Zadki'el halted in his tracks, next to his commander Gavri'el, and their gaze fixed upon Uri'el and her newfound army. Before him stood a magnificent assembly of winged lions, emanating both regal grace and untamed power. Led by Uri'el, the Shield Maiden of Aravat, with a radiant aura, they commanded attention and respect.

These extraordinary creatures, known as Gryphons, embodied a harmonious fusion of lion strength and eagle majesty, rendering them a formidable force.

Each Gryphon possessed a muscular lion's body, its regal form enveloped in a flowing mane that shimmered like molten gold. Their eyes, filled with unyielding determination, glistened with an intense fire. Magnificent wings, adorned with intricate patterns, sprouted from their backs, granting them the ability to navigate the skies with unmatched agility.

The Gryphons' wings spanned wide, showcasing a dazzling array of hues. From deep browns and rich russets to vibrant oranges and brilliant golds, their plumage formed a vibrant tapestry. With each beat of their powerful wings, gusts of wind stirred, heralding their approach.

DARKNESS OF HEAVEN BOOK I: MALAKHIM WARSWhere stories live. Discover now