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Theskies of Shamayim seemed to react to the dispute between the leaderof the Hayyoth and the Prince of Shamayim; her skies grew dark like acoming storm rising over the sea. The atmosphere crackled withtension as the assembly grappled with the weight of the impendingconfrontation.

Adivision is growing among the ranks of the malakhim Heyl'el andMiyka'el, at odds with one another along with the destiny of Shamayimitself. The choices made in this pivotal moment would reverberate andshape the course of their existence.

Miyka'el stood firm, his gaze unwavering as heconfronted Heyl'el's accusations. "What actions are youinsinuating against our Elohim?" Miyka'el questioned, hisvoice laced with concern.

Heyl'el, frustrated and agitated, replied, "Theaccusation I bring against Elohim is their creation of Adam, thisclay-based bastard that looks like a monkey!"

Miyka'el responded calmly, "It sounds to melike you're just jealous of Adam." Heyl'el's frustrationgrew more intense. "You do not understand me; how could you?You're a guardian, and I am a king over you. My intelligence ishigher than yours; my strength outweighs yours. I am more than youand this Adam," Heyl'el boasted his position to intimidate.

A dull buzz filled the air as the malakhimwhispered back and forth, processing the weight of Heyl'el's words.The Black Crystal Orb pulsated more rapidly in Heyl'el's hand,feeding him power to fuel his anger and jealousy against Adam.

The Prince continued, his voice filled withdisdain, "We malakhim are perfect in all things, and thisAdam is imperfect. It should be us who rule over Adam, not thispestilent creation that will taint all of Shamayim!"

Miyka'el turned his attention to the mass, hisvoice carrying across the gathering. "Listen to me, all ofyou. These accusations are devastating to Elohim's good nature."He glanced over his shoulder at Heyl'el, his eyes filled withabhorrence, before refocusing on the crowd.

"Heyl'el is a prevaricator, a self-seekingglory hound who wants to rule Shamayim and Adamah for himself! Heenvies the power of Y'shua, he desires to have the wisdom ofShekinah, and he thirsts for Aravat's throne of glory, he'sdiscontent with his position, and desires to be like Aravat himself."

Miyka'el gracefully maneuvered above the masses,his presence commanding attention. "Can't you see? He'stwisting the truth to control you for his own satisfaction of pride."Heyl'el felt the sting of rebuke but refused to comply to teshuvah,as he paced back and forth before stepping forward once again,speaking out to make his claim.

"If you would stop sniveling at Aravat'sheels for a moment and open your narrow mind, you would see that whatI am saying is true!" Heyl'el snarled, his voice drippingwith venom.

Miyka'el stood his ground. "Do you have anyevidence to support your claims, mighty Prince?" Miyka'elquestioned with authority.

Heyl'el held out the Black Crystal Orb for all tosee. "In my investigation, I have taken this crystal orb fromAravat's secret chambers!" Miyka'el scoffed, dismissingHeyl'el's gesture. "That proves nothing except that you are athief! Show us the proof, then we will rally with you."

Uri'el interjected to smother the heat between thetwo brothers. "Are you two blind? Don't you see what ishappening? Prince Heyl'el if you would just stop and takeconsideration that Aravat knows what he's doing, but you persist onbuffing against his will like an ass."

Heyl'el anger burst with a harsh tone, "Holdyour fork tong Uri'el. I need no proof for my actions! But youinsect I'll give you one," Heyl'el yells as he spins around,taking his seat of authority, his eyes glowing as he defended hisactions.

DARKNESS OF HEAVEN BOOK I: MALAKHIM WARSWhere stories live. Discover now