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Kneeling on one knee patiently before the glory of Elohim, Miyka'el gripped his sword, waiting for the command to act. Peals of thunder rumble within the inner temple of Aravoth was shrouded in thick smoke, its ethereal pillars smoldering with remnants of power. Y'shua, the Prince of Creation known for his Righteousness, stood on the right side of Aravat, the almighty King of Creation and the King of Glory.

On Aravat's left side stood Princess Shekinah, the embodiment of Truth and Wisdom in the presence of grace. "It is time to empower our new champion for Adam and Shamayim," Shekinah spoke, her voice resonating with authority and gentleness. Her eyes glanced at Miyka'el, a humble and patient figure who recognized Shekinah's gaze.

He then rose to his feet, standing amidst the grandeur of the inner temple. Y'shua turned his gaze toward Miyka'el, recognizing the qualities that made him worthy. He moved to stand beside him, silently affirming his choice. "Yes, it is time. Miyka'el will be our new champion," Y'shua declared, his voice filled with conviction.

As the words echoed through the temple, a crack of thunder reverberated in the air, followed by a blinding flash of lightning that illuminated the throne of Aravat. The Father of Creation rose from his seat, his presence commanding and awe-inspiring with an aura of glory. He descended from his throne, his eyes fixed upon Miyka'el with a mixture of awe and expectation. "Now is the time, Miyka'el," Aravat spoke, his voice resonating like distant echoes. "I now bestow my power onto you, Guardian of Adam, for you have proven to be a trustworthy Mal'akh."

With purposeful steps, Aravat the King of Glory approached his new champion, his scepter held firmly in his hand. As he touched his champion, a surge of energy flowed through the mal'akh's body, enveloping him in a radiant glow. The very essence of Aravat's power flowed through His chosen warrior, causing a profound metamorphosis to take place.

Miyka'el's transformation was a sight to behold, a symphony of divine power and celestial beauty. As the energy of Aravat surged through him, his entire being transcended the limitations of glory, consuming his Guardian's previous form. His once humble countenance now radiated with an ethereal brilliance of power.

His lengthy light brown hair, turned into white flowing strands like sunlight, cascaded down his broad shoulders, shimmering with a lustrous glow. His bearded face gave him a fierce countenance. Adorning his towering figure was a suit of

gold and sapphire armor, intricately crafted and adorned with Hebraic symbols.

The Arch Mal'akh's armor seemed to be forged from the essence of Aravat's glory, its surface shimmering with a divine luminescence. It encased his powerful frame, accentuating his strength and grace. But it was his wings that truly set him apart, a testament to his newfound status as the Guardian of Shamayim and Adam. Sprouting from his back were wings of pure fire, vibrant and majestic.

They stretched out with an imposing span, aflame with radiant hues that danced and flickered with an otherworldly intensity. These wings, like a celestial tapestry, painted the sky with their fiery brilliance as he moved with grace and purpose. The Arch-Mal'akh stood seven meters tall, an imposing figure that commanded respect and awe.

His eyes, once filled with quiet humility, now blazed with flaming ice, reflecting the depths of his devotion and the weight of his newfound responsibilities. In his eyes, he held a glimpse of piercing power that cuts through the veil of reality to perceive the true nature of creation. Miyka'el, the newly transformed Arch-Mal'akh, now stood before Aravat, the King of Glory, fully empowered and radiating divine strength.

The ethereal presence of the inner temple seemed to bow before him in reverence, the thick smoke and smoldering pillars fading into insignificance in the wake of his transformation. Aravat, the Father of Creation, looked upon his chosen Guardian with honor and expectation. "You have been bestowed with the power and responsibility to protect Adam and Shamayim," he declared, his voice resonating through the temple. "May you wield this power with wisdom, grace, and righteousness, for the balance of creation rests upon your shoulders now, my son," Aravat expressed.

DARKNESS OF HEAVEN BOOK I: MALAKHIM WARSWhere stories live. Discover now