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Thecrystalline, translucent mountain of Marom, enveloped in anatmosphere of excitement with clouds resting near its peak, made thesight of Heyl'el's chrysolite throne a magnificent spectacle tobehold. Crafted from the finest materials found in the realms ofShamayim, it radiated an aura of commanding power.

Thethrone, tall and imposing, was adorned with intricate carvings thatspoke of ancient wisdom and authority. The chrysolite,a precious gemstone known for its vivid green hue, formed thefoundation of the throne of the Prince of Shamayim. Its polishedsurface caught the ambient light, creating an ethereal glow thatseemed to emanate from the very heart of the throne.

At the center, a high backrest rose majestically,as if reaching towards the heavens themselves. This backrest wasembellished with meticulously crafted motifs depicting the stars andconstellations that graced the firmament of Adamah.

These celestial designs shimmered with life as theyreflected the light, twinkling with an otherworldly radiance thatcaptivated all who gazed upon them. The throne was rumored to possessmystical properties, resonating with the energies of Shamayim andlending an air of mystique to the seat of power.

Heyl'el, haughtily perched upon his throne, woreamethyst-plated armor that cast a deep aura of dread for those whodared meet his gaze. His eyes, mirroring the precious stone,alongside his black hair and goatee, enhanced his mesmerizing appeal.

Adding to his commanding presence was his crown,adorned with three horns of gold, symbolizing his formidableauthority. The intricate patterns and symbols etched into thethrone's armrests further accentuated his stature. These armrests,curving gracefully, resembled outstretched wings, hinting at the vastpower Heyl'el wielded.

In the grasp of Heyl'el, the Black Crystal Orb heldthe rapt attention of all present. Its dark sheen contrasted sharplywith the vibrant light of the throne, symbolizing the complex dualityof power and mystery that Heyl'el embodied.

The orb, perfectly spherical and made from a rare,black crystal, seemed to pulse with an inner energy. Its surfaceshimmered with a dark, iridescent glow, drawing the eye and creatingan otherworldly allure.

Heyl'el sat upon his throne, his gaze was fixedupon the Black Crystal Orb. The mesmerizing glow emanating from theorb enveloped him, casting an enchanting spell that transported himto a realm beyond the physical.

It held a hypnotic power, captivating his attentionand pulling him deeper into its trance-like enchantment. Thecombination of his throne's resplendence and the captivating presenceof the Black Orb created an atmosphere of awe and reverence.

The two were symbols of Heyl'el's authority and hisconnection to the realms of the malakhim, serving as tangiblerepresentations of Al Anna, the dragon of chaos influence over him.As her voice, hollow and filled with whispers, resonated in Heyl'el'smind, it broke the silence. "Soon, all will be as it shouldbe, Heyl'el," the voice echoed, carrying with it an ominoustone reminiscent of the dragon of chaos.

Heyl'el found himself fully entranced by the orb,Lilith, his trusted confidante, interrupted his deep contemplation.She approached him quickly, her presence causing Heyl'el to snap outof his trance and rise from his throne. "Heyl'el, themalakhim are here as you commanded!" Lilith exclaimed,urgency lacing her words.

Shaking his head to clear his mind, Heyl'el steppeddown from his throne and moved past Lilith. Determination emanatedfrom his every step. "Now is the time," Heyl'eldeclared firmly, his voice resonating with authority.

Lilith expressed her reluctance, her voice tingedwith concern. "Heyl'el, I can't help but feel hesitant aboutthis. Are you certain we are doing the right thing?"

DARKNESS OF HEAVEN BOOK I: MALAKHIM WARSWhere stories live. Discover now