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Moments later, Miyka'el approached the majestic Temple of Creation, a beacon of hope standing tall, radiating with the glory of Aravat and his Holy Ones, imbued with power and righteousness. His heart swelled with joy, knowing that the embodiment of honor would ensure the Guardian Keruv faced the full consequences of his wickedness. Soaring through the heavens, the winds whispered messages of triumph, signaling the imminent restoration of balance in the Kingdom of Shamayim. Miyka'el landed and briskly made his way to the inner chambers as the court of Elohim convened.

In the heart of the magnificent Throne Room of Aravoth, a mystical event unfolded. Once a place for kingly decrees and diplomatic meetings, it had now transformed into a solemn judicial court hall. The air crackled with otherworldly energy as the room underwent an ethereal metamorphosis. Gone were the opulent decorations and regal adornments, replaced by a sense of somber gravity as though the very fabric of reality had shifted to accommodate the weight of divine justice.

At the center of this transformed chamber, the thrones of Elohim stood as the authority to the kingdom of Malakhim, the thrones appeared side by side. Aravat's sapphire throne emanated an aura of power, while on the left, Shekinah's throne blazed like a fiery flame, and on his Right Y'shua's throne white as the winter snow. Aravat, the Father of Creation, a figure of immense stature and wisdom, sat between Y'shua and Shekinah, embodying the epitome of righteousness and justice. His face bore the glory of his responsibilities as the King of Glory. "Bring forth the rabbles," boomed His voice.

The Malakhim of Aravat moved swiftly as the wind and were strong as fire, but they only paid homage to the Word of Aravat as they brought in the fallen who were bound for judgment. Miyka'el, who led the Malakhim of Aravat, cried out with a battle cry that shook the kingdom of Shamayim. "Who is like Aravat, Father of Creation, through his Word Y'shua and his Wisdom Shekinah? Glory to our Elohim. Who can withstand against Aravat's might?" The King of Glory stood and gazed upon the children of fire, his heart filled with mixed emotions of joy and sadness.

He saw the Hayyoth and commanded them to step forward. "You four, come forth," He said in a calm tone. The four Guardians, the lowest of all the Malakhim race, stepped forward and knelt together on one knee in unison. Aravat bestowed his Hayyoth with the Light of his Torah, declaring to all the court, "The last will be first and the first will be last. These four Guardians, Miyka'el, Uri'el, Gavri'el, and Suri'el, turned the tide of war, protecting my Kingdom with selfless endurance, safeguarding Adam and my Throne. You are hereby recognized as my Champions, the four living creatures who will stand before my throne to execute commands among the children of fire under our authority." Y'shua and Shekinah rose from their seats of authority and stood next to Aravat.

"Let the light of the Torah burn in your hearts forevermore," Y'shua declared. "Let the wisdom of Creation be upon you forevermore," Shekinah also responded. At that moment, tongues of fire fell on each of the Hayyoth, transforming them one last time as Aravat spoke to each one declaring their position of authority. "Miyka'el, you are fierce like a lion, and your heart exemplifies the qualities of the Arch of Righteousness. I bestow upon you the rank of Arch-Mal'akh, defender of Shamayim and protector of Adam." At that moment, Miyka'el's armor transformed into gold, bearing the emblem of a lion's head on his chest plate. He stood and took his place near the throne.

"Uri'el, you are swift and cunning like an eagle, and you shall be my shield maiden. Your fortitude is unmatched, and you are the Guardian of Adam's descendants." In that moment, Uri'el's armor transformed into a mix of gold and sapphire, bearing the emblem of an eagle on her breastplate. She stood and took her place near the throne. "Gavri'el, you are my light, my oracle, for you stand and prepare with unwavering patience." At that moment, Gavri'el's armor transformed into chrome steel, bearing a golden emblem of the menorah on his breastplate. He stood and took his place near the throne.

DARKNESS OF HEAVEN BOOK I: MALAKHIM WARSWhere stories live. Discover now