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The skies of Shamayim swelled with darkness as peals of thunder, lightning, and strong winds gathered around the Temple of Creation. Heyl'el's army surrounded the temple in the skies, awaiting their king's command. Gavri'el and Suri'el swiftly surrounded the perimeters to engage their armies against the fallen Prince and his forces as they approached the front lines.

"Step aside, Gavri'el. We need no blood spilled amongst us this day. My fight is not with you," Heyl'el proclaimed. Gavri'el furrowed his brow, questioning, "Then why, as the Guardian Keruv entrusted with so much, would you bring war upon our Kingdom?" "I didn't bring the war, Aravat has. I am simply trying to preserve our race from His idealistic fantasies of Adam!" Heyl'el retorted. Interrupting the exchange, Suri'el interjected, "Your power of authority has corrupted and blinded you!"

"Hold your tongue, Suri'el, before I cut it out!" Heyl'el bellowed, causing Suri'el to leap at him, but Heyl'el swiftly took to the skies to evade her attack. "You Guardians are very ill-tempered," Heyl'el quipped from above. Taking control of the situation, Gavri'el spoke up, "Heyl'el, what you're doing is treason, and Aravat is willing to forgive you if you are willing to embrace Teshuva and turn back to him."

Heyl'el's anger disrupted the atmosphere, displaying his control over the elements. "I am the morning star, son of the dawn. I will ascend above the skies; I will raise my throne above you sons of Fire; I will enthrone myself on the utmost heights of Mt. Marom, the sacred mountain of Shamayim. I will ascend above the clouds, for I am El Haggadol!"

"You have a serious eye problem!" Suri'el quipped. "Sister, please," Gavri'el intervened, issuing a warning. "Heyl'el, don't let your foolish pride continue to blind you!" The Prince of Shamayim faced Gavri'el eye to eye. He grabbed Gavri'el's wrist and sneered, "We are malakhim, Children of Fire, and I will not subject myself to an inferior race created from clay! Moreover, you are a fool to believe otherwise," he growled.

Gavri'el pulled away, frustration evident in his voice. "It's not about preserving our race, is it? It's about preserving your ego!" Gavri'el jeered. Pointing his finger, Heyl'el warned Gavri'el, "Tread carefully, Guardian, for it could be your last!" Gavri'el remained undeterred. "Your mouth is full of lies. Only trouble and evil are under your tongue!"

"You dare to challenge me?" Heyl'el scoffed. "You already crossed that line when you decided to go to war!" Gavri'el declared. Suri'el stepped in, attempting to defuse the situation. "You can stop this; you are the Guardian Keruv chosen to lead us. There is no need for senseless bloodshed, don't you agree?" Suri'el questioned.

Heyl'el flapped his dragon wings, circling his opponents, searching for an advantage to strike. "Stop it? I welcome it!" he taunted. Suri'el, fueled by righteous anger, struck Heyl'el with her fist, causing his blood to trickle from the corner of his mouth. "Curse you, Suri'el. A lucky shot, mark my words this day, you Hayyoth, I will expire! No one hits me and gets away with it," the Prince growled in anger, retreating to his flanks.

"Elohim, help us!" Suri'el pleaded under her breath. Gavri'el glanced at Suri'el with disappointment. "You just had to go and hit him? All you did was add fuel to the fire, sister," Gavri'el quipped. "My intention was to knock some sense into him," Suri'el defended her actions. "Well, it didn't work the way you thought it would, did it?" Gavri'el sighed, pausing briefly. "Oh, be quiet, brother, let's prepare our armies," Suri'el laughed under her breath, feeling a little annoyed. Gavri'el and Suri'el approached their respective flanks.

Meanwhile, Heyl'el moved about, rallying his army. "My malakhim, seize the moment, for the hour is at hand. Have no pity on your former kin. They are your enemy; you are to cut them down with no mercy!" Their king commanded them, displaying his power over the elements to strike fear into them. At the same time, Gavri'el and Suri'el engaged with their malakhim, encouraging them as well not to waver in their cause and to trust in Elohim. "Malakhim of Elohim, prepare for battle! We are here to defend Shamayim and her Temple for the honor and glory of Aravat," Gavri'el rallied their troops.

DARKNESS OF HEAVEN BOOK I: MALAKHIM WARSWhere stories live. Discover now