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Echoes of thunder shattered the silence, reverberating through the pillars of Aravoth's throne room, as thick, swirling smoke enveloped the court halls. The Seraphim knelt in hushed reverence, aware that a disturbance had an unsettled effect on Aravat. Y'shua and Shekinah, too, felt the weight of unease. "Father, what casts a shadow upon your Ruach?"Shekinah inquired, her voice a blend of concern and valor.

"Heyl'el has purloined the black crystal orb from my sanctum. In his delusion, he believes his actions just, yet it is the dragon Al Anna who ensnares his mind," Aravat disclosed, his voice tinged with disappointment and foreboding.

"I confined Al Anna within the orb as retribution for her defiance, hoping for her redemption. Alas, that cunning dragon has beguiled Heyl'el, whose heart now harbors lethal intent towards Adam," Aravat elucidated.  Upon hearing this, Y'shua rose, a fierce determination in his gaze. "Then I shall reclaim the orb, Father," he declared with unwavering conviction. Aravat regarded his son, his expression solemn. "No, we shall not interfere. Heyl'el must seek me out of his own volition. Only then if he chooses to renounce his misguided path shall we extend our assistance. This is his crucible,as it is Lilith's who follows him blindly," Aravat decreed.

Undeterred, Shekinah rose from her throne, her plea fervent."Father, we must act," she implored. "Summon the Hayyoth. They, too, must face their trial, for they are the Guardians of Adam, against whom Heyl'el has declared vendetta,"Aravat commanded. The Father of Creation perceived the unrest within his realm."Have faith in my judgment, my children. I do have as strategy, yet all must reach fruition in due course," Aravat consoled, his assurance unwavering.

Shekinah directed two Seraphim, her voice resonating with power."Remi'el, proceed to the Eternity Pillar and sound the Bell of Truth," she commanded. With a flourish of his wings,Remi'el departed the Throne Room.

Turning to another, she commanded,"Zaz'el, take this golden shofar and herald so all of Shamayim may hear Aravat's impending decree." Zaz'el received the golden shofar, conjured from the ether into Shekinah's grasp, and executed her mandates.

Before the Bell of Truth, Remi'el stood, awestruck by the bell's golden splendor and intricate craftsmanship. With solemnity, he struck the bell thrice, a clarion call to the realms of Shamayim,synchronized with the shofar's blast, a sound that reverberated through every province, heralding the onset of divine judgment.

Floating islands, resplendent with verdant foliage and celestial splendor, adorned the skies of Shamayim, like constellations in the firmament of Adam-ah. Miyka'el soared through the boundless sky, his sapphire wings slicing through the air with a majestic elegance,carrying him swiftly and effortlessly across the celestial expanse.

He navigated this ethereal realm with the finesse of a seasoned champion, swooping and gliding over the shimmering sapphire sea, its tranquil waters shimmering beneath his noble form.

In an instant, a palpable urgency rippled through the atmosphere,the tolling of bells and the blast of the shofar echoing through Miyka'el's soul. He felt the very fabric of the sky shift around him,compelling him to halt mid-flight.

His wings held him suspended in the azure sky as the luminous presence of Shekinah manifested before him, her divine radiance suffusing the surrounding him with a luminous glow.

"Miyka'el, guardian of Adam," Her voice resounded with imperative authority, each syllable laden with gravitas demanding immediate heed. Miyka'el locked eyes with Shekinah, absorbing her message with unwavering focus. "Swiftly to Aravoth. Urgency grips us," Shekinah intoned, a hint of apprehension underscoring her words.

DARKNESS OF HEAVEN BOOK I: MALAKHIM WARSWhere stories live. Discover now