Chapter 1

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Author's Note:

Hi everyone! So I've never written on here before but am going to give it a shot, even if nobody reads it lol. Hope you enjoy and any and all feedback in welcome!! I think I'm going to make it a slow burn for a bit and probably add way too much context in the first few chapters to really get to know the characters and their chemistry. Thanks!! 

Reneé's POV

Life had been hectic lately. I had just wrapped shooting season 2 of the Sex Lives of College Girls and I was busy at the studio working on my next album.

Don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly happy with where I'm at with life. If you told me where I'd be a few years ago I would've laughed in your face.

On the other hand, I'm fucking tired and I need a break.

I've been in my head for the past 15 minutes stressing about all the things I needed to get done today while I let muscle memory guide me through the LA traffic.

By the time I got out of my head, I felt a jolt.

Jordan's POV

Excitement filled my soul as I drove through LA. It was my first full day living in the city. Everything, no matter how small, had me giggling and gripping the steering wheel in elation.

I'm just a girl from Minnesota, finally escaping the cold to start my job as a corporate girly in the warmth of LA.

It was a perfect California day with the sun beating down on me and my windows were down as Love on the Brain by Rihanna blasted through my speakers. That was until I felt my body fling forward.

"Holy shit" I murmured as I realized I had just been rear ended.

Reneé's POV

"Damnit" I scrambled as it dawned on me that I just hit a car.

As the black Nissan pulled off in front of me, I groaned and followed them. This is the last thing I needed today.

"What the fuck" the brunette girl in front of me yelled as she exited her car. She stormed towards me as I clambered out of my Jeep and walked up to her.

"I'm so so sorry, you know how LA traffic can be, let me get your insurance information" I said.

"Actually, I don't. UGH. This is my first full day in the city, why today!?!" She snapped, mostly ranting to herself.

I inwardly cringed at ruining this girl's first day here. I felt horrible.

There was an awkward silence as I realized how beautiful she is. I scanned her 5'5 figure up and down. She was wearing low-rise blue jeans with a tight black, cropped Beyonce t-shirt.

Girl has taste.

I continued my scan to her lightly tanned face and wavy long brown hair. Her face was bare I mentally noted, I know it's cliché but she genuinely didn't even need any makeup, she was perfect. Her lips were slightly parted as I met her wide, deep brown eyes.

Jordan's POV

Wait a second... this chick is checking me out. After getting in a car crash!?!

I can't lie though, she's hot. Cargo pants with an oversized graphic tee combined with that face? Not fair.

Her piercingly beautiful blueish, green eyes were peaking through her show-stopping blonde bangs as she reclaimed eye contact.

"Ummm... I..." I stumbled with my words. I cleared my throat and inwardly laughed at myself. This is not the time to get flustered Jordan.

"Let me grab my insurance" I told the smirking girl.

After trading papers and dealing with the logistics, she asked "are you ok to drive?"

"Yeah, I'll be ok" I murmured.

She raised her eyebrow "are you sure about that? I mean you are a newbie LA driver and all"

I rolled my eyes at this "I think I can manage, see ya"

Once I got back in my car, I let a small smile of pride out thinking about such a beautiful girl just checking me out.

That pride quickly dissipated as I groaned and threw my head against the wheel when my car didn't start.

I heard a tap on the window and looked to my left to see the blonde girl smirking.

"Don't you dare say I told you so" I remarked as I opened my car door.

Reneé's POV

I laughed, "I wouldn't dream of it, let me give you a ride somewhere so we can get off the highway and call a tow truck."

Her eyes widened as she quickly scoffed "and why would I trust you driving me somewhere after you just rear-ended me?"

She had a point.

But I felt horrible and part of me wanted to keep talking to this girl.

"That's fair, but you just moved here, who would you even call to help you out."

She opened her mouth to respond but I cut her off by walking to my car. I turned around, smirking at her, "are you coming or not?"

She lowered her head in shame and hopped in the passenger seat. I chuckled in victory as I turned my key.

Immediately music started blaring through the speakers. In a panic I stopped the song and turned the volume way down.

"Sorry about the fright" I said in embarrassment.

She laughed and said "wait no, that song sounded good, what is it?".

It was then I realized that I had just accidently played her a snippet of a song I've been working on.

"Oh..." I tried to buy myself time before relenting "it's called Snow Angel".

She immediately pulled out her phone to look for the song. She looked up at me in confusion as she couldn't find the song.

I turned on other music in hopes of deterring her as I asked "so where to? Want to grab coffee at the next exit while we wait for a tow truck?"

Jordan's POV

Her question threw me off guard. Was I really going to get coffee with a girl who just rammed into my car?

After a split second, I realized... hell yes I am, I mean look at her. Plus, I could use a new friend in LA even if she's a bad driver. 

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