Chapter 10

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Jordan's POV

The day flew by and the next thing I knew I was getting ready to go out with Reneé. And her friends I reminded myself. I'm surprised the day went quickly because I was freaking out the entire time. I really want to make a good impression on Reneé's friends and, at the very least, am eager to meet more people in LA.

My phone vibrated with a text from Reneé; Meet us at The Scrambler at 9, it's karaoke night and we're ready to sing and get boozy!!

Perfect, see you then. I'm telling you now though, I will, under no conditions, be singing karaoke. I responded

We'll see about that after I get a few drinks in you ;)

I rolled my eyes with a stupid smile on my face.

2 hours later I looked as perfect as possible. I decided on a tight (pretty short) black dress, tall black boots, and an oversized vintage jacket. My hair was straightened, lip gloss applied, and jewelry on. Not gonna lie, I look hot. I smiled in the mirror and went downstairs to get in my Uber.

I arrived at 9:15 and saw Reneé and her friends at a table.

Reneé and I met eye contact from across the bar. As she sauntered over to me I totally checked her out, cause damn she looked delicious. She was wearing a red leather set; a jacket with a short skirt. "Wow" I said as she approached.

Her jaw was nearly on the ground "holy shit Jordan" she muttered. We stood there staring for, probably an uncomfortable amount of time before one of her friends yelled "RENEÉ!!!", effectively snapping us out of it.

Reneé chuckled and gave me one more up and down before saying "come on baby, my friends are excited to meet you"

Sitting at the table with wide smiles were 4 other people.

I made my way around and was introduced to Alyah (who I recognized from TSLOCG), Alexander (who I knew from his song IDK You Yet), Adam (her manager), and Thomas (I had to stifle my chuckle meeting him because I remember hearing a story about a certain song being about a certain couch of his).

Basically, I was the only regular person here. Everybody else was supremely talented.

After Reneé obtained a drink for me, Alexander asked "So, what do you do for work Jordan?"

"I work in finance, it's pretty boring compared to you guys, but it pays the bills I guess" I explained with a shrug, feeling embarrassed.

"Shut the fuck up JB" Reneé said in a stern voice I'd never heard before - I have to admit, it was pretty hot - "you're incredible at your job and you absolutely love it. Don't belittle your passion just because we work in a different industry than you."

My eyes widened at every word she said and my jaw was slightly dropped.

"Damn Reneé, that was aggressive as hell. But Jordan, she's right. If anything, we'd love to hear about the corporate lifestyle even more since we all only know the entertainment industry. We have had the same conversations over and over again and these losers are getting boring" Alyah added.

Reneé gave me a what she said head tilt until I burst out laughing.

"Sorry guys" I said between laughs "The last thing I expected was for you to actually be interested in hearing me blabber on about finance"

"Reneé definitely enjoyed it the first time" Adam muttered loud enough for us all to hear.

She shot him a death glare and I knew I couldn't let this bit of news go unacknowledged.

"Oh really?" I turned my whole body towards Reneé, leaned in a bit, and flirtatiously said "I mean you did say my passion was hot so I guess I should ramble for you again"

A blush immediately fluttered across her features and Thomas almost spit his drink out "damn Reneé, I don't know if I've ever actually seen you blush, good work Jordan" he put his drink up to cheers me, the entire table following suit in laughter.

"You assholes. I'm signing up for karaoke, don't say anything else embarrassing" she attempted to add threateningly, but it came out as more of a plead.

The easy comradery continued on for awhile and we all started throwing back shots.

Meanwhile, Alexander got the bar patrons going with Sweet Caroline, Thomas sang a hilarious rendition of Fergilicious, Adam almost fell off the stage dancing around singing Mambo No. 5, and Alyah brought the house down with Party in the USA.

Finally, Reneé's got up for karaoke, "place your bets guys, it's Beyonce" she said with a slight slur in her voice and a wink

I guessed Halo, Alyah guessed Single Ladies, Adam guessed Crazy in Love, Alexander guessed Hello, and Thomas guessed Partition. We all confidently threw $5 in the pot and eagerly awaited her choice.

Instead, Reneé chose 1+1.

"Damnit, she's been obsessed with singing this one recently, I should've guessed it. It's a slower song but it has amazing vocals which she's probably trying to show off for Jordan" Alyah said with a knowing smirk towards me.

As Reneé sang, I was, as always, floored with her effortless talent. Even drunk, she floated around the stage with confident, but deliberate movements. Reneé continued serenading the crowd before turning to make heated eye contact with me during the closing runs.

Let our love heal us all (help me let down my guard make love to me)
Make love (Make love)
Make love (Make love)
Make love (Make love)
Make love to me (me, me, me, me) oh, oh, heyyy
Make love to me

"Damn" Alexander said as the bar broke out into applause when she finished. I turned around and the entire table was staring at me.

Reneé sauntered back to the table and casually bent down next to my ear. I definitely thought she was going to say something about the sexy insinuations she just made.

Instead, she whispered "are you ready for your turn?"

I whipped my head towards her. "Reneé you better be fucking with me. Please do not tell me you signed me up for karaoke." She just smirked back at me while I whined "Nooooo, I can't sing, you don't understand, I'm tone deaf as hell"

I groaned as I heard my name over the speakers and Reneé looked at me expectantly. As I began to trudge over to the stage, I turned around "I refuse to apologize to your ears later. You've been thoroughly warned" I said pointedly to the whole table.

Thank god I'm drunk else I probably would've ran out of the bar. I'm annoyed as hell, Reneé better have at least picked a good song.

I stood on stage giving Reneé a death glare, but my mood quickly changed. Laughter poured out of me as Beauty and A Beat started playing.

"GET IT JB" Reneé scream cheered at me with a megawatt smile. Okay, I see what she did there.

If I'm going to be forced into karaoke, I'm at least planning on bringing the house down. I started singing and dancing in the cheesiest way I knew possible, hoping it looked like I was just making fun of myself. I even threw in some classic Justin Bieber hair flips.

To my surprise, my silly dancing was distracting everybody from my appalling singing voice. Before I knew it, the whole bar was on their feet singling along with me.

'Cause all I need
Is a beauty and a beat
Who can make my life complete
It's all 'bout you
When the music makes you move
Baby, do it like you do (uh, uh)
'Cause you

I sang while pointing at Reneé. I did a little spin to end the song and winked at her across the bar.

The table whooped and hollered as I rejoined the group. "You are so gonna pay for this" I told Reneé in between laughs and high fives from everyone.

The bar stopped doing karaoke and still feeling giddy from our performances, we all stood up to hit the dance floor.

Author's Note:

A really light-hearted, fun chapter! What'll happen on the dance floor though...?

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