Chapter 4

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Reneé's POV

I'm so glad Jordan brought up hanging out again, I was so nervous I'd never see her again. I walked out of the café with renewed energy for the day, until my phone rang.

Adam's name lit up my screen, which normally wouldn't piss me off. Adam is more than just my manager, he's one of my best friends.

However, I knew he was about to yell at me.

"Reneé, where the hell were you? You knew this was an important meeting. You need to make it to meetings with the label if you want Album X to become a reality." Adam scolded me

I loved writing my last EP, but I'm excited to create more songs. The label gave me the go ahead to begin working on a new album. For now, it's just Album X.

I took a calming breathe before explaining the afternoon's events.

"Well shit, now I feel bad, you were in a whole ass car accident, are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm more than okay after meeting Jordan" I giggled. "She was so different than anybody I know" I explained "she is so passionate and was actually becoming my friend before she even knew who I was and you know how I feel about that."

After a few more minutes of excitement, Adam reminded me that I needed to get to the studio. This brought me back down to Earth... I've been really struggling with inspiration recently. I had nearly finished a few songs, but I needed to work on more.

I sped off to the studio, mind racing trying to grab at any inspiration I could.

Jordan's POV

As I got home to my bare apartment, reality set in. I had no furniture, no car (not anymore at least for now), no friends, and no idea what to expect with my new job tomorrow.

I spent the rest of the night pacing around my apartment overwhelmed by my new life until I finally fell asleep on my air mattress I bought that day.


Waking up at 7am, I groaned out as I realized I don't have appliances yet, I'd have to get coffee on the way to work.

Right before I left, my phone went off. Not suspecting anything I flipped it over to see:

Hey, this is Reneé, just wanted to wish you luck on your first day, you'll do great <3

Holy shit, butterflies were racing around my stomach. Not only did Reneé actually text me, but she was super sweet and remembered I was starting my job today. 

In attempt to be casual, I only wrote out 12 potential responses before landing on 1:

Hey! Thanks for remembering, hopefully I don't get fired on Day 1

Overthinking the text on the walk to work was actually a welcome distraction to my first day nerves. It didn't help that I had a 45-minute walk since my car was stuck in the shop. But luckily, Reneé responded before I could completely lose my mind:

Hahah, don't worry about it, you'll blow them away. Let's do celebratory drinks? I can be out of the studio at 7

Well, this is definitely a good omen for the day ahead, even if work sucks, I'll have something to look forward to!!!

Sounds great, see you then!

I had a new sense of confidence as I walked into my office.

The day was flying by. It was pretty easy since I was doing a lot of onboarding paperwork and learning their systems from my new coworkers Caroline and Matt. They were really great and we became friends almost instantly.

As I left the office, I laughed at myself. 24 hours ago I was single and lonely, now I had 2 new friends and a date tonight!

Wait... is this a date?

Walking into my apartment, I ran to my room to start getting ready. I anxiously settled on a black skirt with a cropped light-pink sweater and tall black boots. While I was swiping my mascara, I got another notification:

Out of the studio, send me your address!

318 N Oakley Street

Perfect, I'll be there in 20

Butterflies were running marathons in my stomach as I rushed to finish getting ready.


Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter, but I'm going to post another one later today, so stay tuned!! Thanks for the comments and votes, I'm really excited about where I'm planning for this story to go, but I need to ask for a bit of patience (a little slow burn never killed anyone ;))

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