Chapter 2

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Author's Note:

Jumping right into posting the first 3 chapters to get the story going - more to come though!

Jordan's POV

As we drove, Back To December (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift started playing. The girl driving started quietly singing along. To say I was baffled is an understatement.

This girl has a voice smoother than rain drops running down a window, but filled with enough soul to put an entire choir to shame.

As I was grinning and watching her get lost in the music, she looked over at me, eyes widening as she coughed and stopped singing.

"Why'd you stop? Your voice is beautiful" I casually remarked as I leaned to turn the song up.

She lightly smacked my hand saying "nobody touches my radio".

I lifted my hands in mock surrender and chuckled at her possessiveness.

Reneé's POV

We finally pulled up to the café. Thank god. It was so awkward when I realized I had been lightly singing along that whole time.

I hopped out and opened her door to which she granted me a sheepish "thanks".

"The least I can do is buy you a coffee, what do you want?" I asked as the bell on the door rang when we walked in.

She shrunk into herself a bit before saying "I'll have a hot chocolate please".

I raised my eyebrow but turned around and ordered a hot chocolate and a caramel iced coffee for myself. When the barista asked for my name, I realized I still hadn't asked the girl for her name.

I just let a stranger into my car without so much as a name. I shook my head at myself as I walked over to the table as she hung up the phone with the tow truck company.

"It was so hectic we skipped the important things, what's your name" I asked.

"Jordan. You?" she stuck her hand out.

"I'm Reneé, and I think we're far past shaking hands baby" I laughed.

Jordan blushed before nodding her head agreeing.

"So, you're new to LA, why'd you move here" I inquired.

"For a job. I'm starting tomorrow and I'll be working in finance for a corporation."

"Really?" That was definitely not what I expected. Most people around here are aiming for fame whether that's in film, television, or the music industry. But business took me off guard.

"Yeah, I wanted to move somewhere warm and when I applied for this job, California seemed like the perfect option." Jordan took a breath before continuing.

"I know it's a bizarre reason for being in LA, but I love the vibe here and I love finance. Looking into customer, industry, and company trends and combining them with past financial statements to turn them into an interactive spreadsheet which can then be used to make recommendations on companies is fascinating. It gets even more exciting when..."

I swear she didn't even take a breath while she explained what her job will entail and how excited she was. Her eyes were glossed over, it almost felt like she was in a different world.

Jordan rambled like this for another few minutes before she finally looked at me with wide eyes as a blush crawled over her skin.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry" she laughed at herself "I'm rambling like an idiot"

I've never been numbers person, word were my love language. Hearing Jordan so passionate about something I would absolutely dread was the cutest thing I've seen in a long time.

I just smiled and said "you're passionate" ...I raised an eyebrow "that's hot".

Jordan's POV

Fuck. I'm so embarrassed. A beautiful girl is sitting in front of me, and I decide to make a fool of myself and look like a complete nerd.


Now we definitely won't be friends and we definitely could never be more than friends. How did I already ruin this?

Wait what???

Did she just say that was hot? 

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