Chapter 21

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Jordan's POV

I know Reneé and I were only fighting for 5 days, but it felt eons longer. She's been very true to her word on letting my brain catching up to my heart. In general I trust her again, but not fully... I need to talk to Dr. Green and ask if my lack of trust is because of my trauma or just due to Reneé's lack of honesty.

Regardless, we've been back on speaking terms for 2 weeks and it has been great as always, but something is a little off. We need to fix it.

I pulled out my phone and shot her a text:

Hey I know you're at the studio tonight and I don't want to interrupt you, but I'm leaving work soon and I'm craving Sweetgreen... I assume you are too (you addict), do you want me to bring some by?

15 minutes later there was nothing else to fiddle with in my office so I huffed and walked out to my car.

Reneé gets too engrossed in her work while in the studio so she forgets to eat sometimes. I've lectured her on the importance of caring for her body 4841 times, but she always just responds with a shrug and the same line "not my fault I forget baby, ADHD!!!"

I would've liked a text back so I'm not intruding on her session, but I'm hungry. So I said screw it, I'm bringing her food.


As I finally got to the studio, I entered the control room and stood in the corner quietly so I didn't interrupt Alexander.

Reneé was in the booth singing the higher harmony to the Pretty Girls chorus which will be layered in the background - I've learned a lot about production from Alexander recently. 

As she sang, I couldn't help but remember the fact that my immature actions after our first and only kiss was the stimulus causing Reneé to write this song.

She showed me the song months ago and explained that it is generally about straight girls wanting to experiment but was very honest about my part in her inspiration. I was embarrassed at first, but I have grown to view it as an advantage of that situation... I mean this song is phenomenal and the young ex-wives will love it.

Alexander turned around casually as Reneé stopped singing. He jumped a bit and grabbed his chest, "jesus Jordan! A little warning next time please"

I giggled at his alarmed face "sorry, I just brought by some food for you 2 – I'm assuming you haven't eaten much of anything all day. I don't want to intrude if you're on a roll though"

"No this is actually perfect timing for a break, I have to call a few of the other collaborators on the album about some logistics. I'll throw my food in the fridge and eat it in a bit, thanks so much for getting me some too" Alexander responded genuinely

"Hellllooooo, was that vocal cut good or do I sound cakey? And why aren't you responding on the damn mic" Reneé groaned as she pushed through the door

"It was great, I'll show you later though to get your all-clear, JB brought food"

Reneé's POV

I whipped my head around after hearing this, immediately seeing Jordan. Both of our faces lighting up at the familiar, intense eye contact. She broke her gaze away from mine which normally would have upset me, until I realized she was giving me a Sweetgreen bag.

"Oh my god. You were sent straight from heaven baby, this is exactly what I needed. I've been craving it all day" I opened the box, my mouth slightly dropping open at the sight "wow I didn't realize how hungry I am! And you got me my favorite, you're so adorable JB"

I look up to see Jordan blush slightly and I smirk.

Alexander excuses himself to make a few calls and I jump onto the couch with Jordan I put her feet across my lap as we both dove into our food.

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