Chapter 23

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Reneé's POV

Waking up next to Jordan everyday this week is better than I could've imagined. We've been bouncing back and forth from my place and hers depending on the other's schedule.

Right now, I'm in Jordan's bed studying her face, trying to memorize every detail. She has a small scar on her left temple and I want to wake her up so badly to ask. I want to know every part and every version of the goddess sleeping peacefully on my chest.

After another half hour, Jordan began stirring. Opening those expressive brown eyes a grin spread across her face as she slowly awoke.

"What're you humming?" she asked in her raspy still half-asleep voice

That might be my favorite part of waking up next to her, that scratchy morning voice is so hot.

"Oh I didn't even realize I was doing that" I chuckled "sorry if it woke you up baby"

"It didn't but it's definitely the best way to wake up" Jordan smiled as she leaned her head up to capture my lips in a sweet kiss

"Mmm definitely the best way to wake up" I remarked as we pulled away

Jordan flipped around and laid her arms and chin on my chest as she met my eyes "So I've been meaning to ask you something"

I simply arched my eyebrow at her cryptic words

"As much as I love this, I want to see you outside of just your house, my apartment, and the studio – can I take you on a real date Nae?" she said with a trepid grin

"Absolutely" I pecked the tip of her nose "when and where?"

Jordan's smile was beaming as she let out a cute little victory cheer before answering "how about Friday? That way I have a few days to plan something fun, and the where is a surprise" she winked before standing up

As Jordan meandered around her apartment getting ready for work I let my mind drift... as excited as I am to go on a real date with JB, I'm a bit worried. I don't want the paparazzi or anybody to ruin what we have by blasting our budding relationship all over the internet.

But I also don't want to mention anything to her – Jordan doesn't need any more stress right now. So I'm staying quiet about my concerns.

Jordan's POV

My upcoming date is all I can think about and I'm smiling to myself like an idiot as I walk into my office. That is until reality hits me – I have no idea what to plan. Reneé isn't a celebrity in my mind, but the public begs to differ.

This has to be a private date so the media doesn't get ahold of our relationship and make Reneé even more stressed than she is.

"Caroline. Matt. SOS. Help me please!" I spit out the moment I sat down in my chair

"Dude hakuna your tatas what's going on" Caroline questioned

"The girl I'm always talking about agreed to go on a real date with me" I said as my eyes darted back and forth between my coworkers

"Isn't that... a good thing? See this is why I date men, you ladies are so confusing" Matt said with an eye roll

"Honestly I'm at a loss on the reasoning for this freak out too" Caroline added

"Ok ok yes, it is a GREAT thing, but I don't know what we should do. I haven't been on an actual date since high school and I want to do something really special for her" I threw my hands up in defeat

"Just take her to a nice dinner or some fun activity like a hike" Caroline offered

Matt scoffed before speaking "A hike is the dumbest idea ever, no offense C. Take her ax-throwing or to go paint those premade ceramic things!"

"First of all, hikes are a perfectly suitable idea. Second of all, ax-throwing is such a guy idea and painting is such a gay idea – you are an enigma sir" Caroline countered

I cut into their annoying argument "GUYS. You are not helping. Those ideas are stellar if this were a normal date, but I've kinda left out some details about who I'm seeing..."

"Please enlighten us then Jord. We are begging for more information, you won't even tell us her name" Caroline pleaded

"You still aren't getting that bit of info, but this date is different because we can't be in public... there's paparazzi in public and well... she's kinda famous and I don't want to cause her a PR nightmare"

They both just stared at me before breaking out into a cacophony of laughter

"Common now Jord, there's no way she's famous, there's no need to lie to us" Matt finally spit out in between laughs

"No stop, I'm serious, we've already had a few close calls with the celebrity news outlets and I'm not taking any chances during our date, it's too important to me" I responded genuinely

"Well hot damn, our little Jordan bagged a celeb. That was definitely not on my bingo card this year" Caroline said after hearing the authenticity in my voice

I blushed a bit at her comment as my smile from earlier returned.

Caroline continued "Alright so correct me if I'm wrong – you want to plan a romantic, fun, meaningful date outside of your homes, but it has to be completely private? That's a tricky one to find in LA..."

"I might have a few ideas actually" Matt announced


We stepped back to analyze our work. Caroline and Matt had spent the last 3 nights after work helping me create the perfect date for Reneé. And honestly? I think we killed it.

Author's Note:

sorry guys, kind of a short filler chapter,  but I wanted to introduce Jordan's friendships a bit more. get excited for their date though!!!

vote and comment or else the date will consist of icky male strippers :) xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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