Chapter 5

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Reneé's POV

Sitting outside of Jordan's apartment I started getting nervous. I was too focused on my music all day to think much about tonight. It was a super long day, so I'm in dire need of a drink.

Luckily, I always keep extra clothes and makeup at the studio since it's basically my second home, so I was able to freshen up before getting here.

Jordan walked outside and my eyes immediately scanned her. I hadn't seen her in makeup before and wow, she looked stunning. It was super natural except for a small wing of eyeliner, which I can definitely appreciate.

I started to feel self-conscious as I was more casual – not much makeup and I was wearing grey jeans with a purple shirt and a leather vest on top.

"Hey Reneé!"

"Hey Jordan, you ready to go?"

As she got in the passenger seat, she was not so casually checking me out. That made me feel a lot better about my appearance so eventually I turned towards her.

"Do you want a picture? It'll last longer" I joked.

Jordan grinned as her cheeks blushed "Sorry, sorry, you just look really good" she murmured.

"I'm not the one in a hot skirt baby" I said as I raised my eyebrow at her.

The drive fell into comfortable conversation as we pulled up to a bar named Mikey's. I prefer going to these smaller bars since I'm recognized less often – and I definitely don't want any distractions tonight.

We sit in a half circle booth in the corner which is perfect. This way we can hear each other when we talk and my favorite activity, people watching.

"Are you hungry?" I asked

"Yeah, I didn't have time to eat after work"

"Perfect, me neither. They have really good pizza here, do you wanna split one?"

After much deliberation, we settled on pepperoni pizza to keep it easy. When the waitress approached our table, I ordered the food and a dirty martini. To my surprise, Jordan ordered a dirty Shirley and 2 shots of tequila.

Jordan's POV

I caught Reneé's questioning look after I ordered.

I simply shrugged, "I thought we were celebrating"

She started laughing before responding "well damn I didn't think we were getting drunk"

"Oh shoot, I'm sorry, I just thought it would be a fun way to unwind from the day" I explained dejectedly

"Jordan I'm just joking, I'm always down for tequila shots"

Phew. I was worried that she thought I was an alcoholic or something for ordering those.

The waitress returned with our drinks and shots quickly after. I clinked my glass on Reneé's but before it got to my mouth, Reneé said "Wait wait wait! We have to make a toast first, here's to new jobs and new friends"

As Reneé took her shot, I hesitated. She definitely just said friends. I knew she couldn't possibly be attracted to me, but it was still really disappointing. Well, now I need this shot for sure.

I made a disgusted face at the taste and Reneé laughed at me before swiping a drop of tequila that escaped on my bottom lip with her finger. Our eye contact lingered after that for a beat longer than normal.

Would a friend do that????

As I was thinking and trying to decipher what that could've meant, I hear "hello? Jordannnn?"

My thoughts snapped back into the present. I laughed and asked Reneé to repeat her question.

"So, you know my full name, but I don't know yours" she questioned

"Oh, yeah it's Jordan Brown"

Reneé was looking at me like I had 2 heads. All I told her is my name? She must've sensed my confusion because she quickly said

"Wait, so your initials are JB?"

"Ummm, yeah, I guess, why?"

Reneé started roaring with laughter. I started to feel really self-conscious, why was she laughing at me? I only told her my name, its not like I have any control over that.

"Sorry" she started "I'm just a huge Justin Bieber fan and have some great memories with his music"

Ohhhhh Justin Bieber = JB, I get the joke now. 

She began telling me about how her one of her go-to karaoke songs is One Less Lonely Girl by him. Her eyes were glistening with so much happiness as she explained that she would sing it to her friends and how funny it was watching them get uncomfortable.

"That would be really funny to do at one of your concerts" I jokingly suggested

This made Reneé laugh even harder and it gave me a sense of pride knowing I brought that sound and a bit of happiness out of her.

"That's actually such a good idea" she remarked.

The night continued on in the same manner; we got to know each other and laughed uncontrollably. Before we knew it, it had been 6 hours of us drinking and chatting and the bar was closing.

As we left the bar, the temperature dropped significantly. I was really cold in my skirt and Reneé must have noticed since she put her arm around me and rubbed up and down to warm me up. I tried to tell myself she is just being a caring friend, but I couldn't help the goosebumps it left on my skin. Maybe it was the liquor taking effect, but her fingers were burning straight through my sweater.

Reneé's POV

I hailed a cab for us as I knew I shouldn't drive, even though I didn't feel drunk. She told me it was okay, but I insisted on walking her to her door.

I mean she's new to town, I just want to make sure she gets inside safely... that's all.

When we got to her apartment, I walked in after her. She had absolutely no furniture.

"I know it isn't much yet" she began explaining "but once I have time to go to the store, it'll look great in here!"

"Jordan. I can't let you stay here. You're sleeping on an air mattress, come back to mine until you get furniture" I offered.

"It's alright, the air mattress is surprisingly comfortable and I have to get to work tomorrow"

"Wait Jordan, did you walk to work today? Oh my god, I'm such an idiot, your car is in the shop, I should've offered you a ride this morning, I'm sorry"

I felt like such an asshole. This girl was basically sleeping on concrete already but then I had to hit her car and make her walk all the way to work. I mentally berated myself for being so thoughtless.

"It's ok" she said "it wasn't too bad of a walk, only like 45 minutes. That isn't bad in the city"

"That's it. I'm not taking no for an answer." I said sternly "Pack a bag for tomorrow, you're coming to my place and I'm driving you to work in the morning"


"I repeat, not taking no for an answer"

Jordan huffed but went towards her room to start packing a bag.

Victory! Wait, but the girl I have a crush on is coming over and I don't even know if she's gay... I prepared myself to have the ultimate self-control, it wouldn't be easy but I don't want to ruin this. 

Even just being friends is important to me after how much fun we had tonight, she's like a breath of fresh air.

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