Chapter 7

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Reneé's POV

I woke up the next morning and rolled over to an empty bed, per usual. As I stretched out, I heard a high-pitched shriek downstairs. I bolted upright and realized, an empty bed is not supposed to be normal today.

I almost ate shit running downstairs

"Fuck me, I'm such an idiot" Jordan mumbled to herself.

"Are you alive down here?" I ran into the kitchen trying to catch my breath.

"Damn, I woke you up? Ugh, sorry, I was trying to make you breakfast to thank you for letting me stay here, but I burnt the hell out of my hand. And no, it is not lost on me that using your own food that you bought is not much thanks, but it's all I could think of" Jordan explained in one breath

I furrowed my brow immediately while grabbing her hand, inspecting the burn, and pulling her over to the couch.

"Sit down, I'll be right back" I yelled.

Jordan's POV

Just the touch of Reneé's hand on mine made me forget the burn on my hand. And the mama bear mode she activated the moment I said I had hurt myself was beyond attractive.

Reneé came back with ointment and a bandage in tow, worry very evident on her face.

"I'm okay, really, I'm just a clutz" I tried to appease her worry.

Her frown got a bit deeper, "let me be the judge of that" she grabbed my wrist and stroked a finger over the burnt skin on the side of my hand.

I grimaced and involuntarily pulled my arm away from her – unsuccessfully though as she had a good grip on my wrist.

She arched an eyebrow at me as if to say "see you're not okay" to which I immediately rolled my eyes.

After she fixed me up, Reneé casually bent down and placed a kiss on my bandage before turning around and going to the kitchen.

I was grateful she turned around because I knew I was brighter than a tomato after that adorable kiss. I ask myself again, would a friend do that?

"Thank you" I managed to get out.

"Of course baby, now get back in here and talk to me while I make breakfast. Don't say anything about helping, I'm never letting you near this stovetop again"


While we sat down to eat our pankcakes and bacon Reneé cooked, she bluntly asked "are you single?".

Well damn, that was not at all casual, maybe she was interested...

Reneé's POV

Jordan saying "how is this woman getting to me so easily" last night was running through my head over and over again. I wanted to casually bring it up.

"Are you single?"

Well damn, that was far from casual, but I couldn't help but notice a small blush form on Jordan's face "I am"

"Same here" I smiled

Out of nowhere Jordan's grin started to fade though as she cleared her throat and said "I've been out of the dating scene for awhile now though"

"For how long" I asked, confused about the abrupt shift in the room's atmosphere.

Jordan looked down at her hands, "About 4 years"

"Wow that is a long time, why though?"

Jordan just stared down for an awkward minute before looking at her watch, "shoot, I have to start getting ready, can't be late on my second day" Jordan tried and failed to joke.

"Oh... yeah, ok... let's go" I responded as Jordan was already halfway up the stairs.

As confused as that interaction just made me, I blindly followed upstairs and started to get ready for my day as well.

My head was swimming with thoughts about what I could have said or done wrong. Nothing came to mind though.

I heard the bathroom door click open and Jordan walked out. Holy hell, I never thought business professional could make a girl look so hot. She emerged in a light gray jumpsuit with a black blazer and killer pair of black heels on.

"Alright, we've gotta blast" she said, looking around stressed.

"Yes ma'am" I remarked flirtatiously as I kept looking her up and down.

"Oh stop that" she giggled, clearly loving the compliment with a light blush forming on her cheeks "I'm serious"


As we pulled up to Jordan's office, I told her I'd pick her up at 5 to bring her to the shop since her car was fixed. They were remarkably speedy with all the accidents that happen in LA.

"Thank you so much for everything, and sorry for being so weird this morning... I just haven't talked about it in a really long time" Jordan admitted

"It's ok, I'm here to talk if you want, but I understand" I responded even though I wanted to beg her for an explanation.

What can I say? I'm a nosey bitch

As if she saw the pleading in my eyes, Jordan tuned around as she got out of the car, took a deep breath and met my eyes

"Last month was the 4-year anniversary of my girlfriend's death. I haven't met somebody that has made me want to start dating again since, never say never though" she winked and shut the door.

Thoughts and emotions were flowing through my head. First, I felt so sad for Jordan. Second, I felt guilty for making her tell me. Third, I felt a little angry that she just casually dropped a bomb on me and walked away. But fourth, I felt hope... that wink gave me hope.

Could I be the one to make her want to open her heart again?

Author's Note:

Some flirty cute fluff combined with an unexpected confession? Definitely feels right, it was time to deepen this plot with a big dose of trauma if you ask me. More to come of course!! xx

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