Chapter 8

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Jordan's POV

I know I just hurled my trauma at Reneé in a ridiculously nonchalant way, but I actively avoid talking about Ellie. I still haven't worked through her death if I'm being honest.

But Reneé makes me feel like I can tell her about anything and everything, so I feel like I owed her the truth on why I closed up this morning.

I plastered a fake smile on my face as I walked into the office.

Caroline ran up to me to ask about my date last night with elation.

"It went really really well" I giggled, smiling for real this time "I'm still not positive if it was just friends or a date, but I really like her so I'm hoping it's the latter"

"YAY" she exclaimed "Common, give me more and don't even think about leaving out a single detail"

Caroline seemed to always have this enthusiastic air around her that makes everything more exciting. That can be a hard personality to find in a finance professional honestly so I'm really glad I get to work with her.


I opened my phone to a text from Reneé: You done working? I need a break from this song and can come grab you now if you're off?

Everytime I see her name on my phone my heart beats a little faster, no matter how mundane the text.

Yep! I'll be good to go in 20

I hurriedly finished up the last section of a training document slightly distracted, excited to see Reneé of course. 20 minutes later I walked downstairs and saw Reneé parked outside.

Reneé's POV

"Hey JB!" I yelled out the window

"Hey RR" she stopped walked and tilted her head in confusion "...Yeah that does not flow off the tongue, hey Reneé!" she altered with a chuckle.

I couldn't help but laugh at how adorable that was.

We talked casually about our days as I drove us in the opposite direction of her car. Luckily since Jordan was a newbie she had no idea.

As we pulled up to the mall, Jordan gave me the cutest confused face. Before she could ask, I explained "I'm not letting you live like a damn squatter anymore, we're going furniture shopping"

"OMG YAY" she exclaimed, I've never seen somebody so excited about furniture but the energy was contagious. "I'm so indecisive this will be 100 times easier with your help, thank you so much for doing this" she gave me a smile, eyes shining with appreciation.

2 hours later, the store was closing and we only managed to pick out one thing for Jordan's apartment, a fucking lamp.

"I told you I was indecisive, I'm sorry for dragging you around the store for so long, I don't even like this stupid lamp" Jordan sighed as she jumped in my car.

Although it was a bummer her apartment was still completely empty, shopping with her was the funniest experiences I've had in a long time.

Jordan literally picked up 12 versions of 1 thing she liked, then put every single one of them back dejectedly. In the meantime I was wandering after her getting distracted by knick knacks in the aisles... what can I say? ADHD.

Just thinking about it made me start hysterically laughing. Trying to catch my breath I said "don't apologize, that was so much fun. I can't believe we just wasted 2 hours for a lamp you hate" I started laughing again "we're a horrible shopping duo"

We were both still keeling over with laughter recounting our time at the mall when I pulled up to her apartment.

"Go grab some things for tomorrow, you're staying with me again tonight" I softly demanded "and don't forget your lamp" I added as we both fell into another fit of laughter.

Ten minutes went by before Jordan reappeared. I opened her car door for her and she said "thank you kind sir, how chivalrous of you" while we both continued our giggling. I gave her a bow and hopped back in the driver's seat.

This giggly, flirty banter we had going on today was so much enjoyable. I can't wait for the rest of the night I thought as I kept peeking over at Jordan while she animatedly told a story about her home town in Minnesota while I tried to keep the wheel straight.


Later that night, after we told each other silly stories of our childhood over dinner, Jordan walked over to my piano.

She sat down and started playing a familiar tune, it was my own song I realized. She was playing In The Kitchen. Jordan meekly looked over to me and patted the seat next to her.

"Wanna sing along?" she urged as I sat down next to her, very aware of our closeness.

Jordan's POV

Reneé started softly singing along as my fingers danced across the keys.

When I walk in the kitchen
My heart hits the floor
'Cause' it's you that I'm missing
I still see a vision of us cooking dinner
And you holding me from behind

And you say, "Please be careful
The knife is so big
And we can't have another ER trip
We're too young, too dumb, too in love to afford it"

I smiled and watched her in wonder. We met eye contact and whatever look of awe I had on my face must have given her a boost of confidence because she started to fully sing, even though she still sounded beautiful beforehand.

Now it's just me
And a hundred square feet of bittersweet memories
Deleted the playlist
But I still hear all your favorite melodies
Strangers, to lovers, to enemies

So I'll dance with your ghost in the living room
And I'll play the piano alone
But I'm too scared to delete all our videos
'Cause it's real once everyone knows
Could've at least shown me some decency
Done me a favor and packed up your clothes
Falling in love, no, it ain't for the weak
So don't try this at home

As we finished the song, I put my head on her shoulder. I was speechless, lost in thought about the fact that my crush was just mellifluously singing one of my favorite songs.

"I didn't know you could play the piano" Reneé remarked.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me" I teased

"I want to know everything about you" she responded seriously in a hushed tone.

I lifted my head and searched her eyes but only found genuine curiosity and what looked suspiciously like attraction for a 'friend'.

"Can you tell me about your girlfriend?" Reneé asked me nervously.

I flinched at the question. Damn, she was jumping right into the hard-hitting topics.

 I sighed and contemplated my response for a few seconds "I've never really talked about it if I'm being honest" I laughed softly trying to ease the tension.

Humor is always my go-to avoidance tactic.

"You don't have to if you aren't comfortable, but I'd love to hear it if you are" Reneé softly urged.

For some unknown reason, I trust the beautiful girl sitting in front of me even though I've only known her for a few days. I trust her more than anybody I know, well anybody living at least.

I stood up grabbing Reneé's hand and led her over to the couch. If I was actually going to do this, I at least needed to be physically comfortable.

She grabbed a blanket and threw it over both of our laps while we got comfortable. Facing each other with criss-crossed legs, I couldn't help but notice Reneé shuffling a bit closer to me so that our knees were touching.

I'm nervous. This is new territory for me and I'm not sure how Reneé will respond, but her presence makes me feel incredibly safe.

I searched her eyes once more and failed to find any hint of deception.

"Her name was Ellie" I began.

Author's Note:

This chapter was SO much fun to write. Especially with the heavier topics coming up, it was really nice to just let them have fun together, while still setting the next plot points up, hope you enjoy!! Thanks for the votes and comments, keep them coming xx

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