Chapter 22

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Author's Note:

Hi lovies, I'm so sorry for being MIA for so long!! Life got busy and this story had to take the back burner, but I have returned and I think you guys will enjoy this chapter ;)

Jordan's POV

"Well bowling was fun while it lasted" Reneé said as we walked into her house.

Adam didn't mess around when he said he would be hammered. After only an hour of bowling and running around the arcade, Adam was fucked up. He threw up all over the air hockey table just as Alyah and I scored the winning goal against him and Alexander.

"To think Adam was giving you shit about scarring children with your swearing" I remarked laughing about the absurd events of the night

"Right!! Yet he was the one who traumatized countless children and even adults – it looked like a full-blown exorcism he was puking so much" Reneé responded through laughs

As our laughter died down a bit I spoke up, "it was still fun though and I really do think it cut away our awkward tension, I'm glad we both stayed sober tonight" I gave her a shy smile

Reneé grinned and took a step closer to me, "very true, and now a different type of tension is back" she said quietly as she put one hand on my jaw, the other hand landing on my waist

Goosebumps exploded over my skin at just that small touch... I don't know how this spectacular woman continues to make me feel so much from so little - I don't think I can take it anymore.

I can tell by the look in Reneé's eyes that as much as she wants to, she won't make any further movements before I do. She's leaving that decision up to me.

But it isn't even a question anymore. I need her now. I lightly threw my arms around Reneé's neck as I closed the distance between us without a second though.

Every bit of tension in our bodies disappeared as we moved our lips slowly but tenderly in tandem. We were almost speaking through our kiss. After a few minutes, our kisses turned sloppier as the moment became more heated.

We found our way to the couch and Reneé sucked on my neck as she straddled me. She began playing with the waistband of my pants and reality struck me. I lightly pushed her shoulders back causing Reneé to whine slightly but sit up.

"As much as I want this" I gestured between the 2 of us "we have to move slowly Nae. I'm still building my trust in you back up and I really don't want to freak out about Ellie like I did last time"

"Shit I'm so sorry" she responded as blush covered her cheeks and she scrambled off of me.

"Nae stop stop, come back here" I pleaded as I sat up and grabbed her hand, guiding her to sit next to me "don't be sorry, I'm the one who kissed you. And boy am I happy that I did, but I just need to take it slow. It won't be easy for me either, but I like you to much to rush into certain aspects" I told her as I brushed her hair behind her ear

"No you're right, I don't want to rush things and risk us falling apart either" Reneé responded as she laid her head on my shoulder

"Can I ask you something?" I questioned nervously as I continued to run my fingers through her silky blonde hair

"Of course you can"

I took a beat to build up the nerve to ask the question that has been eating at me these past 2 weeks "in the song you sent me... the lyrics 'I'm gonna love you 'til my heart retires'... do you actually love me or did that just work for the purpose of the song?"

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