Chapter 3

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Jordan's POV

Luckily, the barista saved me as she called out Reneé's name.

I bolted upright and Reneé just smirked. I mumbled something incoherent before going to grab our drinks.

I shook my head, but grinned to myself. She thought I was hot. Or the way I was talking was hot. Or my passion was hot. I don't know but she said hot about me in some way. I took a deep breath and returned to the table.

"Anywayyyys" I drawled "so what do you do for work?"

"I'm an actress, songwriter, and singer" she responded.

"Cool, anything I might know?" I questioned.

"Ummm maybe" she hesitated "I'm in The Sex Lives of College Girls and I have an EP called Everything to Everyone out" she looked down at her hands.

I almost spit my hot chocolate out. I have no idea how I didn't realize it before. I just never expected to be having coffee with somebody who's work I love so much.

Reneé's POV

I see the realization and embarrassment wash over Jordan's features.

I'm actually kind of disappointed I had to tell her who I was. Not that I'm not proud of my accomplishments, trust me I am, but meeting a girl who didn't know of my fame was so exciting.

Navigating relationships is so difficult when fame is involved, I never know who is genuinely there for ME and who is there for my fame.

"Oh shit, you're Reneé Rapp" Jordan muttered.

I sighed and relented "guilty as charged".

Jordan immediately started laughing, which confused me at first. Then a love for that sound flowed over me. I've never been so infatuated with a laugh before, but wow it was an infectious sound - I couldn't help but laugh with her.

Jordan's POV

God I loved her laugh. It was a true, deep laugh that bounced around in my brain. I made it my resolution to be the reason she makes that sound as much as possible.

As we finally stopped laughing, an awkward silence washed over us and I knew it was my turn to respond to the fact that she is literally Reneé Rapp.

"Well... if it wasn't obvious, I love your music and I actually just started TSLOCG and already love Leighton's character, your acting is phenomenal" I finally remarked.

Reneé tucked her hair behind her ear as she thanked me. The conversation felt heavy for some reason. She seemed uncomfortable so I decided to back pedal.

"Although I love your work, I'm glad I got to meet just Reneé first" I said which made her smile "It may have been better if you didn't run into my car though" I shrugged my shoulders sarcastically.

Reneé chuckled – damn that sound is amazing – before responding "well you were in my way, what was I supposed to do, wait? Hell no"

We kept this playful banter up for a few more minutes before my phone interrupted. It was the tow truck company to come pick me and my car up.

I stood up and said "thanks for the hot chocolate and company Reneé, this really has been fun" I hesitated and summoned all the courage I possibly could "I know you probably have plenty of friends in LA... but I'd love to hangout again if you're free, if not no worries though, I completely underst-"

Reneé cut me off saying "I've had fun too, let's hangout sometime, give me your number".

I couldn't help but blush as my fingers danced around her phone entering my number. "Thanks again, see you later" I said as calmly as possible as I walked outside.

Holy shit, Reneé Rapp has my phone number. She was probably just being nice by taking it, but what if she does want to hangout again? She was so easy to talk to and is so gorgeous... she probably doesn't see me like that, but friends is cool too, right?

I was smiling like an idiot as I got into the tow truck.

"You were just in a car accident miss... why are you so happy? Does your head feel ok???" the driver asked in a panic.

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