Chapter 18

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Author's Note:

Don't get mad at me... have fun reading

Jordan's POV

I'm emotionally exhausted. It's been an entire month and everyday looks the same. Work, home, therapy, Reneé, sleep, repeat.

Reneé insists on seeing me every time I have therapy, which is everyday right now. It's beyond sweet and considerate, but I feel really bad. Her schedule isn't the basic 9-5, so she's had to move a few things around based on my 7pm therapy appointments.

Today I decided I need to show my gratitude to Reneé. I hit the grocery store to get ingredients for the dinner I'm cooking her.

It's Monday – the start of another routine week – so an hour later, right on time for our pre-therapy hang out, Reneé walked into my apartment, "what the hell Jordan!? You can't leave your front door unlocked!!!"

I turned around with a huge smile on my face holding 2 plates up, "sorry" I shrugged with a grin.

"Okay you're still an idiot for the door, but this is really sweet" she admitted as her face broke out into a smile seeing our dinner.

I led her to the table while I finished plating our meal.

"First of all, you didn't burn yourself again did you? Second of all, what's the occasion?" Reneé asked

I sat down and put our plates of steak, mashed potatoes, and grilled peppers down on the table

"No I didn't burn myself" I scoffed and jokingly rolled my eyes "but it is a long overdue thank you. You've been so incredibly supportive to me this past month and I don't know how I would have done it without you. Words honestly can't quite describe how grateful I am to have you in my life, you're the best"

"Aww thanks JB, but you thank me everytime I leave after your appointments, I want to be here so no thanks needed" she responded

"Well, I also wanted to thank you for being so... patient" I said with an arched eyebrow, hoping she'd catch my insinuation

Reneé's face faltered slightly. She covered it up quickly "don't even mention it"

Renee's POV

Fuck me. I literally came here tonight straight from Alissa's house. It's just a friends with benefits situation; I'm not positive Alissa sees it the same way though...

I told Jordan I'd wait for her. She told me not to of course, but I insisted on waiting for her.

I insisted and I broke that word.

In my defense though, I'm always so damn horny after Jordan and I separate so I needed an outlet and I've found that in Alissa. I mean I've seen Jordan's collection of vibrators in her drawer... so I know I'm not the only one, I just prefer a real person.

Friends with benefits is how I envision my 'relationship' with Alissa, but recently I've been seeing more emotion in her eyes. It probably doesn't help that I see her almost every day since I'm always with Jordan, leaving me hot and bothered.

I needed to change the conversation, "so tell me about this weirdo in New York punching all these girls you texted me about"

Luckily, this switch up worked and we quickly fell into an easy conversation. It always feels so natural with Jordan, damn I love this.

Jordan's POV

One of my favorite things about Reneé is how simple it is to talk to her. There's hardly ever any silence between us.

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