Chapter 10

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"It is way to early for this" Charles grumbled at a smiling and giddy me perched across from him.

Me and the girls had touched down in a sunny but blistering hot Bahrain less then twenty four hours ago and it was day one of filming. We'd managed to piece the song together in the two month slot we was given. What made it easier was the fact that the song had already been in the works before the Vegas performance and we called it Fast Love, I was happy with the song as it had a bit of everything and I couldn't wait to start filming. Charles had a bit of free time during the week before the season began so he decided to tag along. Me and him was seated outside his garage as the crew began setting up the set on grid as that was where most of the chorus choreography was going to be, before filming some deserts solo shots later on in the week before finally coming back to the track and filming some grid shots at night.

"Oh come on it's a beautiful day cheer up!" I exclaimed with a wide assuring smile.

"How are you this upbeat every single day?" Charles groaned again squinting his eyes against the Bahrain sun, the sweltering heat had made him sweat profusely souring his mood. I had to agree with him it was way too hot to be participating in anything let alone an entire music video, but nevertheless I was still in high spirits. From the moment he picked me up from the airport I had been in an annoying mood. I leant back against the deck chair I had been provided to sit on, and re adjusted my sunglasses against my face. "Because we're in Bahrain how could I not be upbeat?"

Charles's face was hidden in the shadow of his cap pulled low against his face, his glare remained as he muttered "it's too hot and humid, I think my skin is melting"

"I think your being dramatic, it's called tanning" I laughed.

"It's not called tanning it's called suffering" he chuckled before he looked at me still in disbelief of my uplifting attitude, even in the harsh environment we was in. "Luce my feet are genuinely on fire"

I rolled my eyes as I took a swig of water from the bottle in my lap that was keeping my thighs cool "aren't you meant to be used to this heat? You do this track every year"

"Used to yes but that doesn't mean I enjoy it" he smiled as he ran his hand through his tangled strands of hair adjusting them so the sweat didn't get in his eyes. The sun was already beginning to beat down on us from its early position in the sky, it was probably about nine am and already it was becoming humid. "You seem awfully perky today" he teased nudging my knee with his foot. I laughed brightly as I nudged his knee with my foot a little harder "you do too if I'm being honest"

Even though he tried hard not too, Charles couldn't help but laugh at my remark before narrowing his eyes and giving me a disapproving glare. "I'm hot and pissed off if you haven't already noticed"

"I think the whole of Bahrain are aware of your mood today"

Camille was seen a few yards away approaching us, she too had a spring in her step. She was excited to be here as she secretly missed being on tour and this was the next best thing for her. When she approached us she handed me my paddock pass I'd handed to her to keep safe "hair, makeup and costume want you up there" she said afterwards.

"Up where?"

"Ferrari motorhome, so back the way you came earlier" I nodded my head as the vague memory of where it was located came to my mind "I liked the Mercedes one when we was in Vegas" I commented boldly, forgetting Charles was sat virtually next to me.

"You have five seconds Miss Stone to start running" Charles joked beside me. I instantly stood up walking quickly in the opposite direction, I looked over my shoulder chuckling as Charles laughed back as I made my way out of the garage.

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