Chapter 36

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Fame can be a bitch.

You don't live a normal life. Your relationships are public, there criticised. People choose for you who they think you're best suited for and who you aren't. One fandom could love the idea of you with someone whilst the other despises it and will cause you the most uproar. What you wear is spoken of. What you look like. If you don't smile your hardest for one photo out of a hundred that day then you're claimed to be a bitch. Rude. Obnoxious. So can you imagine the situation I was in that night. Pregnant. Single. Bonded to an Formula One driver for life.

And I wasn't even sure I wanted the baby.

"Not now Leigh I just want to go home"

Leigh was not letting me escape that easily as I flew through the corridors towards the exit of the hospital. The walls were slowly closing in on me and I needed a release from it all. I refused to believe i was pregnant and if I was being completely truthful in that moment I didn't want to be. I just wanted things to go back to normal. She chased after me quick on my heel and managed to grab me from going anything further.

"Luce don't you think we should at least talk about this?"

I stopped spun around and looked at her head on "What's there to discuss? I'm pregnant it's Charles's and we ain't even on proper speaking terms" I sighed heavily "There it's discussed"

Leigh paused for a second, her lips slightly ajar as her eyes remained locked on mine with a look of intensity "So that's it? You're just going to run away and not do anything about it?"

"Well what can I do?" I cried out "Tell Charles? Because that would go down so well"

Her head was rapid to look up from the floor at me, her face stricken with shock "You mean you're planning on not even telling him?"

"No..." I bit my lip shaking my head "Not right now I need time to think"

"But it's his child you're carrying Luce" She reached out to take my arm, I half expected her to try and literally shake sense into me but instead she held me there in front of her "You have to tell him"

"How are you even certain I want this baby?" The question was cold and heartless, not that I'd even registered that fact at the time. I just wanted to change the record, because the more times I heard the words 'Charles's baby' the more nauseating it became. I placed my hand against my stomach, there wasn't much to feel as my body was still in normal shape. No bump. No movement. Just nothing. I knew I hadn't bonded with the idea of being pregnant but that was only understandable giving everything. But I was scared that wasn't going to change.

"Seriously?" She gasped. I'd never seen Leigh so shocked in my seven years of knowing her. Since finding out several minutes before, it was clear she thought i was always entertaining the idea of keeping it. I rubbed my face letting out a groan of uncertainty "I don't know okay...I really don't know"

Everything between me and Charles was history. It'd been ruined and stamped on in the most horrific way. In my mind a baby couldn't help that, it would only make it worse. Or was I wrong? Her face softened with sympathy as she looped her arm in mine with a longing sigh "Okay let's get you home"

The studio was filled with music the next day as we began the rehearsals for Silverstone. With the Met Gala only being hours away that night, we had no choice but to cram in a day's rehearsal before being whisked off to the dressing rooms. My parents and Lacey had been held up in their hotels awaiting for the all clear signal to see us again and I was thankful in a way. I knew I couldn't lie to them about everything. Especially Lacey. When the final song tuned out Camille grinned at us from across the big walled mirrors seemingly pleased with what she'd seen.

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