Chapter 40

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I can't believe this is the second to last chapter of the Fast Love 🥺!!! You guys aren't ready for the final chapter coming, tears were shed writing the plot to it. Thank you again so much for the support.

Everything seemed to have stopped instantly when the words Jesy muttered reached the ears around the room. The blood had completely drained from my face, devoid of its colour as I stared down the table in front of me.

"What?" Leigh gasped, frantically trying to wrap her head around everything. I pondered for a second and immediately knew something wasn't right, it couldn't have been Charles. After everything we'd been through together till that moment surely he couldn't be putting us through more. I shook my head firmly, crossing my arms strongly in protest "No. Camille has got it wrong it can't be Charles" There was no way in fucking hell the man I was going to marry would be the same man to be vindictive enough to sell our song.

"Luce" Jade whispered, a hint of sadness stroking her voice when she leant forward to touch my arm. I shot up from my seat "No I refuse to believe it's Charles"

"I have to agree with Luce are you sure they've got the right person?" Kika quizzed, for the majority of the ordeal she'd remained silent. But she knew him better then i probably did, and if she believed it wasn't him then surely it couldn't have been.

"They've got his signature Luce it has to be him" Jesy urged as she watched me fall apart in front of her. My face fell into my hands in disbelief "I've only just got him back.."

Our relationship was always destined to fail, that's all I could think of in that moment. The struggles we had wasn't normal, not that many of them. It felt like when we'd closed one door on a problem another flew open laughing at us. Leigh quickly pulled herself from her seat and clasped my shoulders firmly in her grip "You need to calm down you need to think about the baby"

"Baby? What baby?" Kikas eyes widened as Leigh cursed under breath "Shit..I'm sorry Luce I thought she knew" I shook my head reassuring her it was fine "You're pregnant?" Kika managed to keep a low voice to my surprise.

"Yeah but right now that's the last thing we need to be discussing"

"Yeah" Kika exclaimed as she everted her attention back to the situation at hand "Yeah you're right"

"What exactly did Camille say?" Jade asked.

Jesy took in a deep breath like she didn't want to repeat the devastating call, especially with my ears now listening "The journalist that the song was sold too said they've got Charles's signature on the contract signed to hand the money over in return of it" i leant my hands against the table with a tightening my grip, with all my energy I had left I really tried to see past the anger that was bubbling over me "Okay..well hear me out it's just a signature anyone could've forged it" I wanted to remain optimistic, but was struggling to do so. After what happened in Baku with me jumping to conclusions it was the last thing I wanted to do in this situation.

"Who would know Charles well enough to do that though?" Jade stared down each one of us with the same determination to clear Charles's name as me. I sighed heavily dropping my face into my hands, whoever it was knew Charles but always had the money to pay off the tabloids. But my thought train was cut short when Jesy nudged my arm desperately.


I looked up frantically confused "What?"

Before Jesy could even say her name I saw the top of the blonde locks belonging to Emily stride pass the entrance of the paddock club.

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