Bonus Chapter||

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Charles's POV 10 years later...

"Here we are Lucy"

Charles set down the wriggling toddler into his lap as he sat before Lucinda's headstone gleaming in the late sunshine. Ten years later and he still visited her in London often despite remaining in Monaco when she passed. And in his lap was baby Lucy. Leigh and Lewis had just five years later. She clapped frantically cooing into his chest as he prepared to introduce Lucy to her late Auntie.

"Isn't she beautiful Luce" He whispered to the carved in photo of her, entwining his fingers with the smaller ones before him. Charles had continued to speak to the girls on a daily basis in the following years, even when the girls finally separated from the band. Devine had carried on for another three years in memory of Lucinda but was proven too difficult in the end. Even a decade later and the mention of Luce still made everyone tear up endlessly. But no one as much as Charles. The year Luce passed he went on to win the championship for the fourth time and dedicated every win to the heavens. And in Abu Dhabi that year on the podium even raised a photo of her in a sweet gesture to remind everyone we will never forget her.

"Charles have you kidnapped your niece again"

Leigh laughed as she approached him from across the quiet graveyard with Jesy and Jade following shortly behind her carrying a fresh bouquet of white roses.

"I'm just introducing her to her auntie" He smiled sadly looking behind at the arrival of the girls. Jesy was already tearing up when she'd approached, bending down to place the flowers delicately by Lucinda's name before kissing it gently "She would've loved Lucy"

Jade nodded in agreement remaining fairly quiet. Everyone had dealt with the grief in different ways over the years. Jade didn't speak much about Lucinda's death instead every so often would talk fondly about her if a certain place reminded her of a memory, Leigh named her child after Lucinda too keep the memory of her alive and Jesy ended up writing an entire album about her life that they performed on their last ever tour. Lacey sat beside her bestfriends grave every night rambling utter nonsense to distract her from the fact she was gone. Then there was Charles. He hadn't been with anyone since Luce and claimed he never would again. She was forever the love of his life and he never wanted that to change.

"There you guys are!" Lando beckoned as he approached wrapping his arms lovingly around Jades waist from behind "Hey sweetheart" He echoed to Lucinda's silent grave "We're all here this time"

"We sure are" George had appeared beside Jesy placing a hand comfortingly against her back "Hello Luce"

Charles stared ahead at the gravestone not uttering a word as the crowd of the people that loved Lucinda the most sat down around her, their attention only on one person. And that was Charles. Luce's parents didn't cope well with the death of their beloved daughter but kept in close contact with Charles treating him like the son in law he was always going to be.

"Lu..Lu..Luceeee" Lucy squealed in Charles's arms clapping again but this time towards the photo of Lucinda in front of them "That's right babygirl..auntie Luce" Charles whispered leaving a small kiss against her temple. Lando reached out and placed his hand strongly against Charles's shoulder as a motion of support.

"I thought this would've gotten easier by now.." Jesy muttered wiping the silent getaway tears on her cheeks causing Charles to clasp his hand around hers "Me too" They exchanged a silent understanding with a smile as the birds began to tweet above them.

"She would kill us for being this upset you know" George laughed lightly in attempts to lighten the mood and succeeded well. Charles chuckled wiping his wet eyes frantically "I can almost see that glare of hers"

"That scolding stare that used to scare the shit out me you mean" Lando scoffed with an endearing grin, Charles chuckled louder nodding his head "Yeah that one"

"She was so loved you know.." Jade finally said. It was clear she was hurting so much and her downfall was not speaking about it enough. Lando kissed her forehead softly, their relationship had blossomed two years prior to that day. They fell for each other the same way Luce and Charles did, unexpectedly and totally in love. Charles reached behind him and pulled Jade into his side planting a kiss against her cheek. He'd taken on such a brother role with all three of the girls since Luce passed, in a way it brought them all closer together. And they knew Luce would've been so happy with that.

"Hope I'm not too late" Kika had appeared beside George and knelt down with the rest of the group "Hey babygirl" She whispered reaching her hand out to touch the gravestone before her. George looped his arm around the back of her shoulders and rubbed them softly "You're not late at all"

"Charles?" Kika quizzed cautiously looking at him with concern in hopes he was coping well. All he did was nod and sniffle back the tears "I'm okay don't worry" She leant forward and gave him a small hug.

"She was always an attention seeker" Lacey smiled causing everyone to turn around she was stood there pain evident in her eyes "But so loved" Charles held Lucy close in his arms as he stood up and approached her pulling her into a warming hug "Thank you for being here" He said. She nodded understandingly in his arms swallowing back a hard lump in her throat "Of course" She whispered.

Charles couldn't help but gaze back at Luce's face. Every memory came flooding back like flood gates overwhelmed bursting. The first look in Vegas when she was that excited she crashed into him. Her blowing the roof of Jimmy'z in Monaco where he watched on with ore. Not that he'd told Luce when she was alive but he realised that night he'd fallen in love but knew he had to play the long game to catch a girl as amazing as her. That's what he said at her funeral. Then he thought of the nights in Bahrain sat in their favourite restaurant sipping wine and talking about there dreams for the future. To their first unexpected kiss followed by the second. And finally in Miami where there love was too exposed to hide anymore.

"She loved you so much Charles" Lacey muttered quietly still perched into his side. Charles smiled weakly "I loved her more though"

"She's always with you mate" George replied looking up from his crouched position on the grass.

"I don't doubt that for a second" He whispered still staring at that beautiful face he'd fallen so graciously in love with.

"We love you Luce" Jesy sniffled reaching out to stroke the picture softly.

"I love you my girl" Charles whispered.

Forever and always x

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