Chapter 11

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Song: Night changes- One direction (for you all 1D girlies plus I thought it'd go so well with the first scene as it was the song playing when I was writing it)


Bahrain was stunning at night. I always thought even to this day it had a similar resemblance to Dubai. Charles had kept fairly quiet throughout the journey from the track to the restaurant not disclosing where we was going or why. The car eventually came to a halt outside a lit up building located just by the bay, I jumped out the passenger side looking up with curiosity as Charles handed his keys to the valet.

The restaurant was as fancy as the ones I'd seen in Monaco, Charles led me past several tables before we was directed outside onto a balcony that overlooked the bay. The view was incredible, the sky was a mixture of dark and light blue as the sun had just set and there was skyscrapers twinkling for miles in front of us. I had texted the girls briefly in the car letting them know where I was which only caused a stir in the group-chat,

Me- I'm not dead I'm with Charles at the bay having a drink. Love you girls see you later! X

Jesy- you're what? With who!?

Leigh- how's just friends working out for you again?

Jade- the betrayal Lucinda! It was meant to be a girls night!

Me- We can have a girls night when I get back to the hotel. Wait up for me!

We was seated in a secluded spot at the back of the balcony, luckily for us the restaurant wasn't very busy at that time of night. And I could
tell Charles was relieved about that too. The night air around us was calm and peaceful, and the only sound that could be heard was the soft thumping of music from inside and the crickets chirping in the darkness below us.

Ten minutes had passed and our glasses of wine had arrived, I was comfortably slumped back against my seat as my eyes scanned over the water in the distance. "Thank you for this" I said quietly.

"You worked hard today and I figured you needed some R&R so I took you here" his eyes glanced too over to the water "I come here every year before the race weekend to kick back and take it easy whilst I can"

I sipped my wine as I listened my gaze slowly falling onto him "how you feeling about the race coming up?"

He shrugged almost like he'd not pondered the idea until I'd asked "you could say we should be in a good is fast and circuit suits it so I'm confident at least" he glanced towards the inside of the restaurant as he spoke, almost like he was taking note of the elegant ambiance, though his gaze shifted back to me.

"You just have to trust your abilities, I know I trust yours" I said with a warm smile. Charles chuckled softly "yeah thanks for that" he took a small sip of his wine before he spoke again "you know that means a lot coming from you right?"

Smiling tentatively I spoke softly in return "I have to admit it's been really nice getting to know you over these past few months" I hadn't quite comprehended how quickly me and Charles had formed a bond over the past three or so months. And I was quickly becoming grateful for him being in my life.
"Same here" he said, smiling across the table at me as he spoke. His green eyes held my gaze for awhile "Monaco wasn't the same once you left"

"You mean Jimmy'z wasn't the same without my incredible singing skills" I giggled as that night came back to me like a flood. The several shots we had, Lando nearly falling over every two minutes then of course my spontaneous performance.

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