Chapter 13

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Double Ferrari podium in Melbourne, Japan next 😍!!!

Stone. That was my last name though I'd always lived up to it till I met him. I always thought I was made of stone, my heart, my mind even my body. Emotions came easy for me but feeling those emotions to the maximum I could never quite do. I'd loved once in my life and it ended in disaster causing my heart to have had several locks on it. But Charles seemed to have found the key.

Was I starting to fall for him?

Was I starting to fall for him?

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TMZ- Singer Lucinda Stone seen arriving in red ahead of Bahrain Grand Prix

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Finally the Bahrain GrandPrix was upon us. A lot more then I thought went into a race day. Signing endless of things for fans. Pre race interviews. Training. Media activities. Drivers parade. Charles and the guys had already done the lot before I was even ready. I'd gotten to the track earlier ahead of the girls, whom when I left the hotel was still busying themselves in hair and makeup. I wanted to get there early so I could see Charles before the madness started as I wouldn't get a chance to talk to him till later on that night. It was only a matter of time before the press wanted interviews from me and the girls so one had been scheduled before the race as well.

Id eventually made my way through the crowd of fans asking for photos and signatures which I was delighted to give before I'd found him sat in the Corporate Lounge of the paddock club. It was quieter then usual. And he looked relatively calm. Calmer then what id seen him the day before. He was wearing his Ferrari kit and had his hat perched low over his face. His gaze however wasn't on me instead sternly on his phone in his hands that hung between his legs.

"Who are you hiding from?"

"Huh?" His head suddenly shot up at the sudden sound of my voice, his eyes taking in the red jumpsuit id been spotted in by the media on arrival to the paddock.

"Red? That's a bold choice of colour" he responded, a slight smile peeking into the corner of his lips. I perched myself down next to him with a grin "you know Ferrari don't own the colour red right?"

He chuckled for a moment in response "I know but it's still a bold choice especially when you've got an interview later" His tone was light and carefree, he had that typical soft look in his eyes as he spoke to me. It seemed like that had become a permanent feature of gaze now whenever he looked at me.

"Oh you mean the interview where they're definitely going to ask me if we're in love and already planning a secret wedding" My eyes rolled slightly at my own response.

"I'm offended you already don't think that's the case" he scoffed followed by a small laugh "wait till they found out we've got a dog and already moved in together"

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