Chapter 32

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This was such a difficult chapter to write especially with my newly ended relationship I see myself so much in Luce in these moments. So I channeled as much energy as I could from me into her🤍 This chapter has seriously got it all LOL, upset, humour, tension, fights .... In other words free therapy

Cardigan- Taylor Swift
In that moment. In that hotel room that night. I wish I'd never met Charles Leclerc.

Because if I hadn't, then there wouldn't be a need to want him. No need for loving him. No need for crying over him. No need for the heartbreak. No need for pain or tears. No need for forgotten promises. The only promise we'd ever made each other and it was already shattered into tiny pieces like it never existed.

"We never leave each other. No matter what happens"

Sleep didn't come easy for me that night. I'd completely tuned out from the world, and for a split second Id forgotten where I was and why my face was destroyed with tears. But the more the quietness engulfed me the more I realised I had to leave Baku and heal in the place my heart wasn't stomped on. So that was the plan the second I opened my groggy eyes the next morning. Well it was more like late afternoon. The sunset streamed through the closed curtains casting a gold glow across the covers wrapped around my fragile body. The space beside me was cold and lonely as I layed there for a moment my mind racing with so many thoughts and feelings, it was a tad overwhelming.

We was over. Over before it had even really begun.

I casted my brain to the side scared if I carried on thinking i wouldn't be able to stop, as I sat up and glanced down at my sore hand perched in my lap I couldn't help but feel slight regret. The tabloids loved every second of capturing the scuffle between me and Alex, Camille not so much. And judging by the colourful message that was left in my inbox hours after everything. It was a miracle i was still left with a job.

But it was as I dragged my lifeless body from the mattress a knock at the door sent a shiver down my back bigger then Camille's. I couldn't bear to open the door and have Charles stood on the other side. I'd managed to avoid everyone since the afternoon, getting the odd "You okay?" Text from George and Kika. But radio silence from Charles. Part of me was going to leave it, pretend I'd already left. But the knocks got more persistent and quite frankly it would only take a few more knocks for me to lose my shit. When I opened it, Jesy was stood on the other side. Instantly I felt tears prick the corner of my eyes, she'd always been such a huge source of comfort for me. And to see her standing in front of me, in Baku after all this time, I didn't have time to question why she was there or how. I just needed her.

Jesy didn't hesitate to rush into the room, rolling her suitcase to the side and wrapping her arms around me "Don't worry I'm here sweetheart" She mumbled into my hair as she soothingly stroked my back. My eyes collapsed with relief as they flowed out the rest of the tears I was able to release. All I had done since the night before was cry. So shockingly I had more tears in me then I realised.

She eventually gave me the room I needed and planted herself down on the bed before me. She looked the same since I'd last seen her the week before i saw my parents in Cannes, her usual bubbly self with a glow about her that was new and exciting.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, wiping the remainder droplets from my cheeks. To say I looked rough was an understatement and it was Jesy's sympathetic smiles here and there that confirmed that. 

"Surprisingly it was Charles that phoned me" She replied cocking her eyebrows up at me.

"Charles?" I echoed.

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