Chapter 28

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Hello you sexy bunch, I'm sorry Ive been a bit MIA (it's been a week I'm being dramatic) but I've been going through a bit of a shit breakup LOL just my luck. Anyways I have got a few chapters already written and will be released today. Aren't I spoiling you lot ;) ❤️

The days that followed Charles's accident was raw and emotional for the pair of us. His recovery was getting progressively better but I could tell he was still in a low mood about not being able to jump straight back into the car. I on the other hand had spent the days moving in a blur, from the hotel back to the hospital everyday had left me totally exhausted. But it was worth it, because as long as I was by his side I got to see his smile slowly come back.

Four days later and I was preparing to head back to Charles with a few more clothes as they were still yet to discharge him but it had been spoken about. I was heading for the door when my phone buzzed in my pocket, when I retrieved it I noticed it was Camille phoning me.

"Hey Camille is everything okay?" I tried my best to hide the tiredness that had drugged me, I hadn't spoken to anyone really aside Charles and a few of the drivers when they popped in to visit. Leigh had officially headed back to London to see the girls in hopes on calming their nerves too. But it was like a hole had been left in my heart.

"Lucinda do you have a minute?" She asked sounding rather calm and collected. I dropped the duffel bag reluctantly back onto the bed before sitting down "Yeah course, whats up?"

Camille took a small sharp breath as she started to speak "I got a call from one of the tabloids earlier, they want to speak to you about you and Charles"

Ugh fuck. Knew that was coming.

"Shit really?"

"I'm sorry hun I know you've got bigger things to think about but they're pressuring me for you to speak out"

Rubbing my forehead with frustration I tried to answer back as best as I could " it's okay don't be sorry it was bound to happen at some point" There was a long pause after my response until I could hear Camille on the other end. It sounded like she was rustling through endless paperwork.

"And then there's the thing that the tabloids wants to know.." Her voice echoed off almost like she didn't really want to speak on the subject but had too.

"What thing?"

"Well they want to know about the relationship you know if you're going to confirm this or..?"

I let out a heavy sigh cursing myself in hushed tones "I mean what would I even tell them? There isn't really much to say at the moment"

"I know it's a struggle and it's the last thing you need with Charles but for PR reasons that I understand you haven't got time right now to go through it's best you speak up truthfully" I nodded my head with my face in my hand, knowing there was no chance on earth I was going to get out of this one. The longer I left talking to the tabloids the more complicated it would be when I eventually did.

"Yeah that's fine i understand" I deeply sighed before continuing "How are the girls? I'm sorry I can't be there just yet"

"We miss you but you're doing the best thing staying in Miami Luce and to put your mind at rest I've extended the tour announcement till next month but I will need you back in London in the next few weeks" As encouraging as she was trying to sound, the last thing I wanted to do was go back to London even though I knew Charles was going to be okay.

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