Chapter 38

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It was weird waking up next to Charles that night. When I awoke it was still dark outside and when I glanced at the clock on the bedside table it was only 9pm. We'd only been asleep a couple of hours.We hadn't done much talking from the corridor to his bed and the rest that followed was history. He had his face buried into the crook of my neck as he took in my scent with deep breaths, his arm was lazily slumped over my waist as he slept peacefully into my side. I couldn't help but lay there awake staring endlessly at the ceiling thinking about everything I hadn't told him. The pregnancy. How much I still loved him. How much I wanted him back. Sex didn't mean I had though.

He shifted slightly in his sleeping, instinctively wrapping his arm around me pulling me closer to his naked body. His body was warm and I couldn't help but feel safe and secure in his embrace. Ultimately I would have to tell him about the baby sooner rather then later but every time I felt like I could, the words I needed didn't form and leave my mouth. Maybe it was the anxious feeling of him discarding the baby, not wanting it at all that was nipping at me.

As I laid there in his arms I began to gently run my hand up his arm that stirred him awake, with a small smile gracing his features when he rubbed his eyes sleepily. His eyes immediately softened at the sight of me "Hey" He echoed softly, voice raspy from the slumber id pulled him from. I offered him a weak smile in return "Hey.."

He reached out and gently cupped my cheek, leaning in to press a kiss to my lips "I've missed this" He murmured against them before pulling me in closer to him. One thing I was grateful for when it came to me and Charles was no matter how much time had passed, no matter the heavy arguments, the tears shed, our voices raised with anger. We came back to each other like nothing happened. Nothing mattered. I couldn't help but grin against his warm mouth "Me too"

"You know if you keep kissing me like this we might not make it to dinner" His smirk wore thick against me as his hands roamed my body that wore his t-shirt loosely. I chuckled into his intoxicating kisses "What dinner? It's nine o'clock" He leant back against the headboard he'd propped himself up on, a playful glint in his eye "Then we've got an hour because it doesn't start till ten" He replied as he with ease flipped me on top of him. I grinned down at him lovingly, planting a small kiss against his glistening forehead "Okay but you still haven't told me what dinner it is"

His hands reached up to cup my face gently as he stared into my eyes with affection "Nothing special just the usual gathering of the guys, you know you and the girls are always invited when your with us"
Seeing the guys again was exciting to think about, I missed George incredible amounts even Lando. The only thing I was frightened of was what my was we going to tell everyone? Was we even going to walk in together? Act the way we have? Was it going to be normal again?

"That sounds fun" I said with a short smile.

"Mhm but not as fun as staying here with you"

I gently ran my fingertips gently over his broad shoulders with a short nod "Mhm that's very true"

"Good that's settled then" He quickly replied, reaching behind me to pull my hips further onto him with a kiss. His hands tugging at his shirt on me in hopes to discard it from my body in a rush. I giggled against his lips "Charles we haven't got time"

He pulled back for a second, smirking at me playfully before flipping me onto my back and trapping my hands behind my head with just one of his his "Oh come on let me have this" He pleaded desperately with me. I pecked his neck teasingly "You really have no idea how long it takes a woman to get ready do you?"

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