Chapter 29

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Part of me was hoping Camille was kidding about the tabloids, and that when I got back to the hotel they wouldn't actually be there. Fool me though because they was. I'd passed Kika on the way to lifts, she gave me a reassuring squeeze and told me to find her after I was done at the track. Most of the drivers were still in Miami, some waiting on Charles and others here for training and meetings about the race.

To avoid anymore attention then the interview was already going to gain I'd decided it was best to do it in the comfort of my room. Luckily I was speaking to Clary who on a few occasions I'd been interviewed by. She was professional, knew exactly what she was doing and I trusted her enough to ask me questions she knew I'd be comfortable answering. When we eventually sat down to say I had the attention of everyone in the room was an understatement. Their eyes were glued on me waiting to hear whatever it was that was going to come out of my mouth.

"Thank you for meeting with me Lucinda" Clary started "To relieve some of the pressure we won't be recording you but instead I'll be placing this recording device just in front of you so it gets everything you say. Then we will write it up and publish it. As always if you anything you say you don't want to be published please tell me and we will erase it" She carefully placed a mic on the table in front of me before crossing her legs and looking down at the papers perched in her lap.


"Yeah I'm ready"

She nodded her head with a warm and encouraging smile "Firstly I think everyone would like to know how Charles is doing, is he recovering well? Could we see him back out on track for Baku?"

"He's doing really well recovery wise I think a few of the nurses underestimated how quickly he'd bounce back but as far as recovery goes he's getting there more each day" I paused, it was unusual territory answering questions about Formula One, it felt like i was almost speaking on behalf of Charles and in some ways it was wrong. So I decided in that moment I was going to try and retain as much information about his career and the future of it as private as possible "As for Baku I'm sure you'll hear more on that race in time to come from the people that know best"

She seemed content with my answer and instead didn't decide to push anymore questions regarding Charles's current state. Thankfully.

"Now we have to ask about your relationship with Charles" She gave me a big smile, she knew it was awkward but had to be asked. It was the whole reason as to why we was both sat in my hotel room in the first place.

I offered a small smile back "It's a difficult one to answer really, I mean it's obvious me and Charles are really good friends and I suppose sometimes feelings can go further in friendships and in our case the main focus at the moment is obviously his recovery and looking forward to the next few races" I was genuinely proud of myself with the answer I'd managed to spout out, I didn't exactly confirm anything with me and Charles nor did I deny either. It was perfect.

"It is pretty obvious you guys are close" Clary agreed with a light laugh "It's hard not to be when you spend so much time with one person as you guys have been photographed together quite a lot"

"It's hard not to be around each other when I come to these races to support the drivers, and like I said we've built such a good friendship off track"

The more questions that were being asked the more overwhelmed I was becoming. The breakdown I had in the pit lane, the photo of me and Charles hugging outside his motorhome after the qualifier, the time in the restaurant when Charles confessed his feelings. Not that anyone knew he had but our hands fumbling with each others told relatively the same story. The entire time I was thinking about Charles and the conversation we had, as much as it was me on the line he was too. So I said as much as possible but also as little as possible. For both our sakes.

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