Chapter 31

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   Song for this chapter : You were in love- Bryska

"Ex girlfriend" Charles retorted angrily beside me.

I always knew that real love brought pain. It meant sacrifice and all of the thousands of shocks in life. But that was the biggest shock I'd ever had and it made me sick to my fucking stomach. Emily rolled her eyes playfully, that dead smirk of hers still wearing thick "Fine EX girlfriend" The fact she found amusement in this was boiling my blood and I didn't know where to direct my anger first.

"So if you're the ex girlfriend" I began confidently "Then what are you doing here?"

"Because he phoned me a few days ago practically begging to see me" She smiled at Charles who's hand I'd immediately dropped in disgust and shock. It would explain why he'd been acting so shifty about getting into a relationship with me. When all the while he was still in contact with his ex. George and Lando had gone eerily quiet beside me and it wasn't only until Carlos spoke up that the tension had been cut "Maybe this isn't a conversation for the public to watch yeah?"

"No I wanna hear what she has to say" I spoke confidently maybe a little too much considering I was shaking like a fucking leaf underneath it all.

"Well I mean we still talk and care about each other" She stated firmly with a smirk "So it was only obvious he'd phone me after the crash"

I slowly turned to my head to look at Charles who was stood silent beside me. He didn't bother making eye contact instead he stared straight at Emily with a deadly scowl "Bit desperate isn't it?" I asked him not exactly looking for an answer. It was more of a statement for the pair of them.

"Bit like you throwing yourself at him the minute you met him in Vegas" Emily spat back bitterly. This. Fucking. Bitch.

"Sorry but if you really cared about him then where the hell was you when he had his accident? I was the only one who sat by his side for a week" Emily immediately closed the gap between me and her almost intimidatingly but I wasn't scared, I stood my ground before her.

"How dare you! I cared about him when he had that crash I couldn't leave Monaco for Miami I had things keeping me there" Her words were like venom even the way she spoke was poisonous. Emily Longley was bad fucking news. She opened her mouth in means to snap at me again but it was Charles who had cut in stopping her.

"Let's just calm down we're in public"

I put up my hand in front of his face silencing him from proceeding any further with his bullshit "I'll get to you in a second" Before I turned back to Emily I felt more cocky then ever, like a version of me I'd kept away was slowly coming out.

"No how dare you! Giving me a shitty excuse that you had your own things going on, well news flash we all did and I still managed to spend an entire week by his side"

She scoffed in my face "Already got expectations of me when you don't even know me?" A sarcastic laugh escaped my tight throat, I was fighting back tears but knew I had to deal with the problem in front of me before I dealt with the betrayal next to me "No but what I do expect from you is to leave Charles alone and stop acting like a desperate ex"

"It's not my problem darling he wanted me here" She said, her tone was still rough and bitter.

"Really what gave you that silly impression" I paused eyeing Charles up and down dangerously "I mean look at him he's not exactly pleased to see you"

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