𝕮𝒉𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 33

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The next couple of months were chaotic. Hannah went into the dutch grand prix with a strong mentality and finished P11, just outside the points while Ollie and Arthur finished on the podium. The girl watched the podium with a smile on her face as the watched her two best friend celebrate. And in Monza, the blonde finished in P6, just ahead of Arthur and ahead of Ollie who finished P7.

In the break of the F2 season, Hannah was at George's apartment in Monaco while the older Russell was away in Japan. The girl watched her brother crash out on the last lap in Singapore which shattered her and finished P7 in Japan. The girl was asleep in her room when she was awoken by the front door opening. Rubbing her eyes, the blonde heads out of her room and checks to see what the noise was. "Oh, shoot. Did I wake you?" George asks as he sees his younger sister. "Yeah. What time is it?" Hannah yawns. "It's 2am. Go back to bed, Han." George smiles as the girl walks over and hugs him.

"I will. Just happy your home." Hannah smiles, standing on her tiptoes and planting a kiss on her brothers cheek. "I can say the same. Go on, back to bed. You're shattered as am I." George chuckles as he lets go of his sister and she releases from the hug and heads back to her bedroom. She climbs back into her bed and pulls her duvet up just as she lays down and falls back to sleep.

Later in the morning, Hannah wakes up again to peace in the apartment. The girl gets out of bed and changes out of her pajamas. The green-eyes girl grabs herself some breakfast and a drink before sitting on the sofa and turning on her netflix. Putting on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, the teenage girl enjoys the peace and the breakfast before George wakes up. Placing her bowl on the coffee table infront of her, Hannah grabs her drink before sitting back on the sofa.

"Morning." George's voice files over the TV. "Hey. Jetlagged? It's nearly afternoon." Hannah laughs as her older brother sits beside her. "Something like that." George groans as he sits beside the blonde. "I watched the races. I'm sorry about Singapore." Hannah solemnly smiles. "Yeah, me too. Guess I was too focused on trying to overtake Lando to check my mirrors." the Mercedes driver jokes as he and his sister laugh. "Well, you did come back and finish P7 in Japan. That's a bonus." the green-eyed girl lightens the mood. "True. Got to focus on Qatar next." George says with a little smile.

The girl nods before taking a sip of her drink and watching the TV. As the duo sit in peace, it's soon interrupted by Hannah's phone ringing. She picks it up and sees Christian Horner calling her. "Hang on, let me take this." Hannah says, placing her cup down, pausing the TV and heading to her bedroom.

"Christian, hi. How are you?" Hannah asks, closing her bedroom door. "Good afternoon, Hannah. I'm very well. How are you?" Christian responds. "I'm good. What pleasure do I owe for your unexpected call?" Hannah questions. "Good thing you ask that. I don't know it you've heard but Checo has announced he can't race in the upcoming race in Qatar. Now, we've been watching you closely in F2. We were obviously impressed with your Silverstone win and how well you've done in the two races leading up to your break. I have a proposition for you." Christian speaks as the girl sits on her bed. "Wow, well first of all thank you. Secondly, I'm intrigued by this proposition." she says.

"Well, due to Checo being unavailable for Qatar and Daniel racing with AlphaTauri, we were wondering if you would like to fill in for Checo in Qatar?" Christian asks the girl, her being attaken back by the offer. "Whoa, that's quite the offer Christian." Hannah breathes. "So, are you up for the challenge?" the redbull team principal asks. "Absolutely! I promise not to let you down." Hannah smiles excitedly. "I know you won't. I'll see you in Qatar." Christian says. "Definitely. See you then." the blonde girl nods before they bid each other goodbye and hang up.

The girl takes a moment to compose herself before leaving her bedroom and heading back out to the living room where George was. "What was that about?" he questions, placing his phone down. "Just Christian. I have some news." Hannah says, placing her phone down. "Good or bad?" the f1 driver looks at her. "It's good. I swear." she nods. "Tell me then." George asks intrigued in what the girl has to say.

"Okay. So, some news has come out that Checo can't race in Qatar and Christian phoned me saying that they have been watching me closely in F2. To cut it short, they want me filling in for Checo in Qatar." Hannah smiles as George instantly hugs her. "Hannah Jacqueline Russell! That's amazing! I'm going to be racing against my little sister in F1!" George celebrates as Hannah laughs. "You've been waiting to say that I bet. Well, it's happening." Hannah smiles widely as George squeezes her. "It's a dream come true for you Han. You'll do amazing. I know it." the Mercedes driver smiles. Hannah nods as she feels George plants a peck on her forehead.

After a little celebration, the rest of the day consists of the two relaxing and doing some sim racing. "I'll be back. I'm going to call Ollie and Arthur." Hannah announces before grabbing her phone and heading to her bedroom. The blonde calls Arthue first who instantly picks up. "Arthur! I have good news." Hannah immediately says as soon as her teammate answer her facetime. "What is it? Tell me." Arthur says, empathizing on 'me'. "Okay. You know how I've always had the dream to race in F1." Hannah starts off.

"Who doesn't?" the Monegasque laughs. "Well, what if I tell you I'll be racing my brother and yours on the same day?" Hannah smiles. "Your joking." Arthur says in shock as the girl laughs while shaking her head. "I'm not. I'll be racing in F1 in Qatar." Hannah smiles. "Shut up! Hannah that's amazing! I bet George is buzzing that he'll be on the same track as you." Arthur exclaims as the girl laughs while nodding. "He is. I'm going to tell Ollie soon so no running off and telling him." Hannah warns him and the Monegasque nods. "Okay, okay. I won't. But, I'm so happy for you. You'll smash it! I'll be watching from here." Arthur smiles. "Thanks Arth. I better call Ollie. I'll talk to you after the race." Hannah smiles. "Alright. Go show them what you can do, Han." her teammate smiles before they hang up.

A knock on her bedroom door interrupts the girl before she can call Ollie. "Come in." she responds turning her attention to the door. "I'm off to bed. Also, we're flying together to Qatar next Monday." George says as he sticks his head in his sisters room. "Okay. Well, night G." Hannah smiles as her brother nods and leaves her room. She goes back to her phone and clicks on Ollie's contact while quickly shutting her curtains and turning her main light off and putting the bedside lap on.

"Hey. Shouldn't you be asleep?" Ollie asks answering the phone and she can see that he's in his bed. "I'm going to sleep soon but I have something to tell you first." the girl smiles. "Is it about Arthur? Has he done something stupid again?" Ollie questions. "Not that I know of but won't surprise me if he has. But it's not about Arth. It's about me." the blonde says as the brunette gives her all his attention. "Oh, if it's about you, it has to be good. Come on, inform me." the brunette teenager says. "Alright. Well, I had an unexpected call today and to cut it short, I'll be driving a redbull f1 car in Qatar." the blonde haired, green-eyed girl smiles excitedly. "Nice! I'll be watching my best friend driving a formula 1 car!" Ollie cheers as Hannah laughs. "Wait? You'll be there?" she asks. "Yep. With Haas. But Han, you'll actually be racing in F1." he smiles.

"Awesome! Also, I have a random question?" Hannah asks. "What is it?" the prema driver relaxes. "Could we maybe, fall asleep on call? I don't think I'd be able to alone with all the excitement in my veins." Hannah sheepishly laughs. "Sure. Away from the news, what else do you want to talk about?" Ollie asks and Hannah smiles at the gesture.

The duo talk about everything away from racing. As he's talking Hanmah can feel herself slowly falling asleep until she gives into the exhaustion and closes her eyes fully despite fighting to keep them open. "Han?" the boy calls to her when he doesn't hear her speak after a while. When he looks at the call, he notices the british girl has fallen asleep. Ollie smiles as his heart flutters at the sight before falling asleep himself.

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