𝕮𝒉𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 41

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The final race of the season quickly approached and despite making it to Q2, due to an engine failure, Hannah didn't progress further and ultimately qualified P15. Though she was down hearted, Hannah knew she had to give it all she could in the sprint and feature races to prove she deserves a seat next season if she's going to continue what she loves.

On the day of the sprint, Hannah qualified P14 which to her was a good position to be in if she wanted some points from sprint. "Okay. So immediately get a good start and make your way through the pack as quick as you can. These points are crucial to you okay." Michelle says as the pair look through the data. "Got it." Hannah nods as she takes her head set off. "Go smash it." the engineer smiles before Hannah heads to her car and puts the rest of her gear on before jumping into her car.

Once the green light was on, the 22 drivers were allowed to head onto the grid to take their starting position. Slotting into P14, the mechanics check the car before moving to the side. While the 22 Formula 2 drivers make their way around the track for the formation lap, everyone runs back to the pitlane as quick as they could. As the cars lineup on the grid, all of them wait patiently for the lights. As soon as they go out, all the F2 drivers immediate put their foot down and speed off the line. As soon as her foot is on the gas, Hannah makes her way through the starting line up.

"What a start from Hannah Russell! Straight up to P10!" Alex Jacques commentates on the TV. While the girl continues to fight through for points, further ahead, Arthur and Frederik Vesti collide both of them crashing out but their cars safely being taken off track. "Hannah, regret to inform you but Arthur's out so it's down to you to bring points in." Michelle informs the girl. "Okay. How bad was the crash?" Hannah asks. "It's repairable ahead of tomorrow. Keep going how you are. Pace and tires are good." the engineer says before the teenagers radio goes silent as she continues to fight for points.

As the sprint finishes, relief washes over Hannah as she sees the chequred flag waving. "P6. Really good job. 3 points from the last sprint. Incredible job and recovery Hannah." Michelle beams as the teenage blonde can hear Arthur and the rest of the team in the background. "Nice work team. More points tomorrow." Hannah responded with a smile.


The next day and the atmosphere across both paddocks and around the circuit were high. "Ready?" Ollie asks as he, Hannah and Arthur enter the F2 paddock together. "Yeah. Lets make this last race count." Hannah smiles. "And this could be our last race with all three of us on track." Arthur dampens the mood a bit. "Come on, Arth. Don't be so down about this. I know my future in F2 isn't certain yet but we have the whole winter break to see what happens." Hannah optimistically smiles. "Yeah, lets just make the most of today." Arthur smiles before asking, "are you two going to the after party tonight?"

"I sure am. What about you Ol?" Hannah turns to the taller boy beside her. "You know what, yeah. It's the end of the season and like you said before Han, I only have one life, might aswell live it." Ollie says and Hannah grins. "That's the spirit. Atleast I don't have to drag you." Hannah laughs as the three stop outside the prema garage. "Good luck today you two." Ollie smiles before giving Arthur a bro hug and a tight one to Hannah. "You too mate. We'll see you after the race." the monegasque nods before he and Hannah head towards their team while Ollie heads inside.

"When are you going to tell him?" Arthur asks his teammate once he made sure Ollie was out of sight and also making sure no-one could hear them. "Tell who what?" Hannah asks confused. "Ollie. When are you going to tell him you are in love with him?" the 23-year-old asks. "When are you going to propose to Carla?" the british girl smiles. "Okay, that was uncalled for. But come on Hannah. It's so obvious you and Ollie love each other but there is definitely something holding you both back from telling. I don't think I've ever met two people so scared to admit their feelings." Arthur laughs as they walk in. "I hate you sometimes. But, since your my best friend, I guess I'm obliged to love you a teeny tiny bit." Hannah rolls her eyes before heading into her drivers room.

As she gets ready, the girl hears a knock on her door. "Is it safe to come in?" George asks from the other side. "It is." Hannah laughs as the door opens while she places her race suit around her waist. "How are you feeling? Last race of the season." the older driver asks. "Excited yet drained. But one more race and that it. Then I just have to see it someone will give me a seat." Hannah slightly smiles. "A team will, no doubt. You're an incredible driver Hannah. You'll get a seat." George reassures his little sister as she nods. "Yeah. Anyway, how are you feeling? The F1 season ends today." Hannah asks.

"Happy. Obviously, we'll get to spend christmas back home but I'll be able to spend more time with Carmen." George smiles. "Just don't make babies. I'm still too young to be an aunt." Hannah laughs. "And I'm too busy and young to be a dad. But you were young when Millie was born and your a great aunt to her and Leo too." George smiles as he walks over to Hannah and hugs her.

"You'll be fine today. Are you ready?" he asks as they part from the hug. "Yeah. I have you here so I'll be okay." Hannah smiles. "I know. Your biggest supporter." George grins. "And you'll have yours." the girl says. "Wait? You'll be in Mercedes?" he asks confused. "Yeah! Max suggested it and got it cleared by Christian and Helmut." Hannah smiles. "Amazing. Now, lets race for the last time in the F2 season." the mercedes driver smiles.

Over the course of the F2 race, George was sat on the edge of his seat as Hannah raced around the track, making her way up through the pack from P15. "Gap to Franco Colapinto?" Hannah asks over the radio, coming out the pitlane. "4.3 seconds. You've got this. Everyone's behind you." Michelle smiles, responding to the girl.

As the girl pushes, she overtakes a few drivers, securing a points finish. "Okay. P6. Good points Han. Very well done this season. I know you had a tough one but your ending it high. Be proud of yourself Hannah." Michelle informs the girl. "Thanks everyone. I know we had a rocky season but glad to end it with some points." Hannah responds while on her cooldown lap.

Once she finished her F2 feature race, the team meeting was completed and the girl quickly made her way to F1 paddock and the mercedes garage. "Hey kid. Well done this season." Toto smiles as he sees the girl approach before standing up and greeting her with a hug. "Thanks Toto. Ready for one more rodeo?" Hannah smiles. "You bet. Here you can keep it after this season." Toto smiles, handing her the cap she owns and leaves with him for safe keeping. "Thanks Toto. This...this means a lot to me." Hannah smiles. "I bet. Now, lets get one if not both of these on the podium." Hannah smiles, referring to George and Lewis. "Yeah. Lets end this season on a high." she nods in agreement.

When the F1 race was over, George secured a P3 finish. As she made her way out to parc fermè to celebrity his podium, Hannah spotted Arthur. "Hey. Tell Charles I said congratulations on P2." she says to the Monegasque. "I will. Now, go and see your brother." Arthur smiles, quickly hugging Hannah before she joins the Mercedes team. They help her make her way to the front ready for George pulling up. When he gets out of his car, the older Russell dives ontop of the team, all of them hugging him.

Once he hugged his team, George and Hannah shared a tight hug. "So proud. Well done!" she smiles, her arms around his waist while her chin sat on his shoulder. "Thanks Han. You did well in F2 aswell. Are you coming to the end of season after party?" George asks as they pull from their tight hug. "Obviously. You know I would cry if I missed the end of season party. Plus, all of the F2 grid are going." Hannah smiles as she sees Max walking away.

"Max!" she calls to the dutchman. He turns around and looks at her. "Congratulations on the win! And well done on a record breaking season." she smiles at him. "Thanks Hannah. See you at the end of season party?" he questions. "You bet I'll be there." she laughs before he nods and walks to the cooldwon room. "All the tension sorted then?" George asks. "Yeah. We resolved it after Qatar. I have a feeling that now your sister and your good friend have resolved their tension, you are happy." Hannah grins. "I am. I better get to the podium." the Mercedes brunette smiles before quickly hugging his little sister one more time before disappearing.

As she watches the celebrations on the podium, Hannah could feel her heart beaming with pride as she watches George celebrate his third place finish. The season was over but the party had just begun.

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