14: I Trust You

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As Jeonghan's presence became more frequent in the Moon Palace, whispers began to circulate among the other members. Some expressed concern about Jeonghan's newfound freedom, while others simply didn't understand why Seungcheol seemed so enamored with him.

One evening, as they gathered for dinner in the grand hall, murmurs filled the air as Jeonghan entered, his hand intertwined with Seungcheol's. Whispers trailed in their wake, but Seungcheol paid them no mind, his attention solely focused on the man by his side.

"Seungcheol, are you sure it's wise to let Jeonghan roam around the palace like this?" Chan, the youngest members, spoke up hesitantly, his brow furrowed with concern.

Seungcheol glanced at Chan, his expression soft yet resolute. "I trust him," he replied firmly. "He's been through a lot, and he deserves the freedom to move around as he pleases."

Jeonghan squeezed Seungcheol's hand in gratitude, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Thank you, Seungcheol," he murmured, his eyes filled with warmth. "I promise I won't cause any trouble."

The other members exchanged uneasy glances, but they respected Seungcheol's decision, knowing better than to question his judgment. And as they settled in for dinner, the atmosphere gradually relaxed, the tension easing with each passing moment.

Later that night, as the palace fell into a peaceful slumber, Seungcheol and Jeonghan found themselves in the sanctuary of Seungcheol's room. Wrapped in each other's arms, they lay tangled in a web of blankets and whispered promises.

"I'm glad you're here, Angel," Seungcheol murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to Jeonghan's forehead. "I feel like I can breathe again when you're by my side."

Jeonghan nestled closer to Seungcheol, relishing the warmth of his embrace. "I feel the same way, Seungcheol," he confessed softly. "Being with you feels like coming home."

Their words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken emotions and the weight of their shared history. And as they drifted off to sleep, cocooned in the safety of each other's arms, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united in their love and devotion.

As the days turned into weeks, Jeonghan's presence became a familiar sight within the palace walls. Though some members still harbored doubts, Seungcheol's unwavering support and affection for Jeonghan spoke volumes, silencing any lingering objections.


Chan stumbled into the grand hall of the Moon Palace, his usually cheerful demeanor overshadowed by a grimace of pain. Blood seeped through the fabric of his torn clothing, evidence of the wounds that marred his skin. His steps faltered as he approached the group, drawing concerned looks from his fellow members.

Jun was the first to rush to Chan's side, his eyes widening in alarm at the sight of his brother's injuries. "Chan, what happened?" he exclaimed, his voice laced with worry.

Chan winced as he lowered himself into a nearby chair, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "We... we encountered some trouble outside the palace," he managed to reply, his words strained with effort. "I didn't... I didn't see it coming."

Jeonghan's gaze softened with empathy as he approached Chan, his usual air of aloofness melting away in the face of his friend's pain. "Let me help you," he offered gently, reaching out a hand towards Chan's wounds.

At first, Chan hesitated, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. But as he looked into Jeonghan's sincere expression, a sense of trust blossomed within him, overriding his initial reservations. With a nod of assent, he allowed Jeonghan to tend to his injuries, the tension in his body slowly easing.

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