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I walked up the stairs of my home slowly

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I walked up the stairs of my home slowly. Tired from being in the studio all day but I made sure to check on my babies before I went and rest. Rumi and Sir were already in bed, a disney movie playing on their tv as they drifted off to sleep.

I walked into their room quietly, going over and placing a kiss on the top of their heads before tucking them in and heading back out.

My next stop was Blue's room, where she was loudly blasting Sweet Dreams making me laugh.

I knocked on her door before opening it to see her standing in front of her mirror, following along to a dance video.

She glanced back and smiled before pausing the music and running over to embrace me in a hug.

"Hi Bugg, how was school today?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead.

"It was good. Nayani taught me some of her choreography from the dance group, wanna see?" She asked excitedly making me smile.

"Yea, let's go to the studio and you can teach me too." I said making her jump up and down in excitement. She always loved dancing so I used that as a way to bond with her.

"Okay!" She said pulling away from me to grab her phone and slip on her oversized Jordan slippers.

Still don't know why she wanted those big ass shoes but whatever.

She came back and grabbed my hand before we started heading down to our in-home dance studio. Luckily I was dressed in sweats and a t shirt so I didn't have to go change.

The lights turned on automatically as we stepped inside, making Blue let my hand go to connect her phone to the speakers.

"Okay, it's to your song Mommy so don't be trying to do your own choreography." She said making me laugh.

"Yes ma'am. I'm ready when you are." I said slipping off my shoes. Dancing barefoot was always better for me.

Soon after Blue started teaching me the choreography step by step and it made me so proud to see my baby doing something she loved. She was a natural at it.

"Noo Mommy, its boom boom boom, pop step slow turn then squat. You're rushing the turn." She said doing the dance moves again.

I followed her movements, getting in sync with her before doing it once on my own.

"Okay now we gotta do it with the music." She said rushing over to her phone. She clicked the play button before coming back over to me so we could start the dance.

My voice rang through the studio making me internally cringe before we started dancing. We were in sync, smiling as we watched each other through the mirrors on the wall until the choreography came to a stop.

"Good job Bugg! Is that she taught you?" I asked as she stopped the music to nod.

"She said her dance teacher is teaching them the rest on Friday so they can get ready for their upcoming competition." She said before pausing.

"Can I join a dance team?" She asked making me immediately nod.

"Of course you can, we just have to find a good team with a good teacher." I said.

"I really wanna be on Yani's team. It's probably too late to join though." She said with a pout.

"Maybe you can join next competition season. Or maybe see if her teacher has another team you can join." I suggested but she shook her head.

"She doesn't, I already asked. Plus her teacher is in school so I doubt she does a lot of classes." She said shrugging as she walked back over to me.

"Well talk to Nayani and see if there's a way you can join. Even if it is a little late, you gotta go after the things you want." I said as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

She nodded as we walked out of the studio and back upstairs. I walked her to her room, bidding her goodnight before going to my own room which I found empty.

I sighed in irritation, knowing my husband was more than likely out with his 'boys'. They ain't nothing but a bug group of hoes.

I rolled my eyes at the thought before going to my bathroom and taking a quick shower. Once I was out and dressed I got in bed and began scrolling on my socials, using my spam account to actually interact and like stuff.

I came across a video of a young girl dancing and stopped to watch it, turning the volume up a little to hear my own song in the background.

As I watched it I realized she was doing the dance Blue had just taught me but with more moves letting me know that she was the dance teacher.

She looked really young, couldn't be any older than eighteen. I was shocked to see how much skill and precision she had at such a young age. It was like dancing was made just for her.

I clicked on her page and continued to watch her dancing videos, liking some that were recent before deciding to follow her.

I went back to my feed and continued scrolling for a little while before getting sleepy. I was trying to wait up for Shawn but who knows when he would get home.

I locked my phone, setting it next to me before saying a quick prayer and drifting off to sleep.


hey yall🫶🏽

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