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Once Meoria sent the forms to me I immediately sent them to Michelle who filled them out immediately and submitted them

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Once Meoria sent the forms to me I immediately sent them to Michelle who filled them out immediately and submitted them. It's been about a week since then and we were waiting on a phone call on whether it was approved or not.

I've been doing everything in the world to keep my mind off of it but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. I had the rest of my dancers picked out as well as the singers so now I was just waiting to see if Meoria was able to go with us as well.

Practices were coming up within the next month so I wanted to have everything figured out so she wouldn't have to play catch up if the process took longer.

I was currently sitting on the couch, watching tv mindlessly when my front door opened. I look back to the hallway, seeing who came in and was delighted when I saw Michelle walk in with a smile.

"Bey Bey!! You look so pretty with these braids! How you been love?" She asked as she came over to greet me. I stood up from the couch and engulfed her in a hug, returning her smile.

"Anxiously waiting for some good news. How've you been Belle? Ready to hit the road with me?" I asked as we sat on the couch.

"Not in the least bit but I know it'll be fun. And I might have some good news, I got an email last night but decided to come and open it with you." She said making my heart drop to my ass.

"Oh Lord, please let it be good news." I said with a sigh as she pulled out her phone and went to her emails.

She scrolled down until she found it and pressed it, making the email pop up fully.

"Alright ready?" She asked making me nod. She took a deep breath before reading.

"Ms Williams, thank you for submitting your application for the temporary guardianship over Meoria Essence Sanders. It is with great pleasure that I am able to inform you that your application has been reviewed and accepted! Starting tomorrow at eight am you will be Meoria's guardian for the duration of twelve months. Per protocol you are to pick Ms. Sanders up from her group home and back to your residence where she will reside for the duration of this guardianship. You are to accommodate and accompany her at all times during the duration of her job. If at anytime during this guardianship you would like to obtain full custody of her there are forms attached below. Have a wonderful day." She read off before we started screaming in excitement.

"Oh my gosh!! We did it!" I said before pulling her into a tight hug.

"We have to go get her Bey! Call her and let her know the good news." She said as we pulled away from each other. I nodded pulling out my cellphone and dialing the number I had for Meoria.

"Hello? Samaria move! This is important!" I heard her fuss from the other end of the phone when she answered.

"Hey honeybun! I have great news." I said and she immediately started screaming.

"They approved it?!" She said excitedly making me laugh.

"They did! Michelle and I are about to come get you from the group home. They said you have to stay with her during the duration of the guardianship." I said making her scream again, I pulled the phone away from my ear and put it on speaker letting Michelle hear her excitement.

"Shut up! I'm about to be living with THEE Tenitra Michelle Williams!! Ahh, I wanna give my breath, my strength, my will to you!" She sang loudly, her friend joining in making Michelle and I laugh.

"Yes ma'am. Start getting your stuff ready and send me the address, we'll be there within an hour okay?" I said once she calmed down a little.

"Yes ma'am. I don't have much so it won't take long. I'll see you guys soon!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"Samaria you gotta help me pack! And give me back my shirts!" She yelled out before the call disconnected making Michelle and I laugh.

"She seems so lively. I like her already." Michelle said making me smile.

"She really is. She'll probably scream more when she sees you, she said you're her favorite DC member." I said making Michelle flip her hair.

"And she has great taste in musicians. Yeah, we gon get along just fine." She said making me laugh and push her shoulder playfully.

"Whatever girl. Come on, we gotta go pick up your child. Michelle finally a mama!!" I said making her shake her head.

"Girl whatever! And you're driving!" She said as she got up and walked out of the living.

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