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Auditions for my upcoming tour had just taken place so I was now sitting down with Amari and the other recruiters to see who would be picked

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Auditions for my upcoming tour had just taken place so I was now sitting down with Amari and the other recruiters to see who would be picked.

The auditions were recorded so I was able to watch everyone and pick who I wanted.

"I know her." I said as I pointed at the tv. The young girl I saw on instagram was at the auditions, dancing to one of my songs and she killed it.

"Really? She was my favorite of all of them honestly. Quick learner and very passionate about dancing." Amari said with a smile.

"But hiring her may be a little difficult." She added on making me pause the video.

"Why? She perfect for this tour." I asked making her sigh before turning to look at me.

"Well she's only sixteen for one." She began but I cut her off.

"That's no issue, we can work something out with her parents." I rebutted but Amari shook her head.

"She's in foster care, a group home. We'd need guardianship over her." She said softly making me pause in disbelief.

"And before you say anything else, I already talked to a few people about how to go about it and unfortunately you wouldn't be able to be the one with the guardianship. You'd be denied because of your hectic work schedule." She continued making me sigh and close my eyes.

"What's her name?" I asked softly.

"Meoria. She and her friend Samaria came to auditions. They both stay in the same group home." She replied.

"Does her friend dance?" I asked making her shake her head.

"She sings and from what I heard, really beautifully too."

"I need to find someone willing to apply for guardianship over her. I want her on this tour." I urged.

"Maybe Mama Tina will. Or one of your sisters?" Amari said hopefully.

"You know what, let me call her." I said pulling out my phone and facetiming my mother. She answered with in the first few rings with a smile on her face.

"Hi baby how are you today?" She said as she sat down in her rocking chair.

"Hi Mama, I'm doing alright. I just wanted to talk to you about something real quick." I said returning a warm smile as I went into the kitchen.

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