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"Yani you're falling behind! It's a quick step before the pivot!" I yelled over the music as the group ran through the whole routine for the last time

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"Yani you're falling behind! It's a quick step before the pivot!" I yelled over the music as the group ran through the whole routine for the last time.

It was the weekend before their competition and they needed to be sharp.

"I need one hundred percent! Liven up or we'll be here all night!" I shouted making them pick up their energy and hit the moves full out.

The music shut off and I let them take a water break before they started rehearsing again. By nine o'clock they had it done pack and were in sync.

"Finally, now was that so hard?" I asked making many of them side eye me.

"Look like that all you want to. Just remember to thank me when y'all win next Saturday. I gotta go, bye!" I said as I grabbed my bag and phone, walking out of the dance studio.

Thankfully I had a later curfew since it was the weekend so I stopped and got some food before heading back to the group home.

As soon as I entered the door many of the younger girls ran past me screaming and laughing. I shook my head before heading straight to my room, finding Samaria lying on my bed.

"If you don't move yo light skinned ass off my bed." I said making her sit up.

"Oreo don't be a meanie. You could've said please." She said making me laugh lightly.

"Fine. Samaria can you please getcho light skinned ass off my bed? I would like so sit and rest my body." I said making her smile and move.

"See how easy that was?" She said making me flick her off playfully as I sat down.

"Anywaysss. I heard there's an audition for dancers coming up later next week." She said making me look over at her.

"For what?" I asked as I munched on my fries. Thankfully they were still hot.

"It didn't specify but probably for a tour or something. I was going for the background singer audition so I was thinking you could come for the dancers audition, so I don't have to go up there by myself." She said with a bright smile which made me shake my head.

"Okay Sammy, I'll go with you. When is it?" I asked making her squeal.

"It's Thursday and it'll be at like noon or something. And we don't have school that day so it's perfect!" She said getting excited.

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