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After rehearsals, Blue and I headed home

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After rehearsals, Blue and I headed home. Michelle had a few interviews to prep for so Meoria ended up coming with me as well.

Blue had her playing some game, Roblox or something the entire ride home and even when we got back. Right now we were all in my bedroom just lounging around.

"You have to rate me five stars Meme! We have to get top three!" Blue stressed to Meoria making me laugh.

"I am Bluey! I'm not even voting for anybody else. This stuff rigged." Meoria replied as she showed Blue her screen.

"Maybe we should be a duo. Accept my invite." Blue practically commanded making me look over at her.

"What are y'all even playing?" I asked, neither one of them looking up when I did.

"Dress to Impress Mommy. Can I get more robux later to get vip?" Blue asked making me sigh and roll my eyes.

"You are expensive little girl. You know that?" I asked making her nod immediately with a goofy smile.

"Beyoncé's my mom, of course I'm high maintenance." She said flipping my hair.

"Period as you should be Bluey." Meoria encouraged making me shake my head.

"Do not encourage her. It's coming out your trust fund." I said knowing good and damn well I was just going to charge it to Shawn's card. It's the least he can do.

"Ugh that just sounds rich. A trust fund?! I barely got a savings account." Meoria mumbled making me laugh.

"Want me to start you one?" I asked making her immediately shake her head.

"Uh permission to cuss one time for the one time?" She asked sitting up with a finger in the air. I nodded for her to continue, amused to see what she would say.

"Excuse me but what in the actual fuck? You just gon causally ask if I want a trust fund? Am I in the twilight zone right now?" She asked dramatically as she looked around making me laugh.

"I can write it into your dance contract, so you can get paid and have a trust fund that you can use by a certain age or if you decide to go to college." I explained making her look at me with wide eyes.

"Uhh. That sounds like a lot." She said taking a deep breath.

"It's just a thought, you don't have to say yes to it. I know you talked about being emancipated from the state so that could help when you're finally on your own or if you want to go to college like I said. I can do that or I can help you budget your savings account for the future. It's up to you." I said as she chewed on her bottom lip in thought.

She didn't say anything, instead she picked up her phone and began typing away. She sat for a few minutes reading something before asking me a question.

"Who would be the trustee? If we did a trust fund?" She asked glancing up at me.

"I would say Belle since she's your guardian for right now." I said making her nod slowly.

"I'll let you know what I decide later. Can we get some food? I'm hungry." She said quickly changing the topic as she set her phone down.

"Me too. Can we get wing stop Mommy?" Blue asked never looking up from her phone.

"Sure. Text Julius and tell him what you guys want." I said.

"Okay. Meme, you wanna go dance?" Blue asked finally looking up from her phone after she texted Julius.

"Sure, let's go bust a move." Meoria said as she got up from the bed. Blue got up right after her and jumped on her back like a damn spider monkey.

"Now you know you are too tall to be hanging from her like that." I said with a laugh as they turned around to face me.

"No she's not. She's like a backpack, I get her to hold stuff since my arms aren't free." Meoria said, handing Blue her phone to prove a point which made me roll my eyes with a smile.

"Just a mess, get out my room." I said causing them to huff.

"If you don't want us around no more just say that. If you need us, you know where to find us. Let's go Bluey." Meoria said with a faux attitude as she stuck her head up and turned around.

Blue did the same thing making me laugh as Meoria carried her out of the room and throughout the house.

I shook my head before opening my laptop and going to my files to review Meoria's work contract.

Wouldn't hurt to make a revision. Just in case.

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